First step to success

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The next day after Zumas' talk with Chase and Ellas' talk with Skye, pups were sitting in Lookout and watching some documentary about wild animals in Asia. However, Zuma wasn't focused on that: he tried to fulfill Chases' words about cheating as his friend was right. The water pup had one crush and in one moment, he immideately changed into another one as he got some progress in relationship with Ella. By the way, Ella didn't find time to talk with Zuma yesterday, since it was quite late to do it, but she promised herself that she'll do it tomorrow.

Zuma (thoughts): Maybe Chase is really right. How can I be trustworthy if I change my view on girls that fast?

Chase, who was laying with Skye and was clearly focused on documentary, time by time turned his look at Zuma to see that he was quite out of this world. It took a while for shepherd to realize that his friend tried to overcook all things what he said and felt quite regretfully. Luckily, he has a pup, who always can help to look in right direction to his thoughts.

Skye: Need a help with your thoughts?

Chase: Go on dear.

Skye: Looks like your talk with Zuma got some good results, but included something bad as well.

Chase: Yeah. I mean, he actually asked me to help him with his date.

Skye: Already the date? 

Chase: Jeez, I only realized this morning that he's rushing with all that thing.

Skye: Yeah! Ella didn't give any hint of it, she wants to recover her trust little by little.

Chase: Let's hope that Zuma'll realize that sooner as I'll say that to him.

Gladly, the police pup didn't need to say it to his friend, as labrador, who was still deep in his thoughts, actually had date plans in his mind, but quickly realized one thing.

Zuma (thoughts): Whoa whoa, take it easy! Taking on date a girl, who still doesn't trust me? I shouldn't rush on that! Maybe hanging out somewhere will be good at the start.

Meanwhile, Ella and Tuck were with Ryder, who was doing a techincal check-up on their motorbike. Rocky was here too with his pup-pack in case, if something needs to be fixed. Gladly, after 20 minutes of check-up, Ryder said that there's no need of something to fix or change. The twinds thanked Ryder and went back to Lookout with Rocky. As trio entered in, Ellas' look went straight to Zuma as she reminded herself to talk with him. So she went to labrador, who was still in his thoughts.

Ella: Erm, Zuma? Free time to talk?

Zuma: Oh... ehhh... yep! Let's go.

Ella: Good.

Ella and Zuma went to Pup-Pup Boogie machine as Chase turned around to see them walking together and smiled as then he turned to Skye and nodded, making Skye smile in response. Two pups as they found private place, started their talk.

Ella: Listen, well you know that me and you are having... quite a hard time between each other.

Zuma: Because of me actually.

Ella: Let me open something for you - I still feel that we can be more than that what we are, but-

Zuma: You don't trust me after all.

Ella: So, I just want to... you know... spend some time together, so maybe I can changed my mind.

Zuma: Great! So how about to hang out somewhere? It's not a date.

Ella: Sounds nice!

It seems to be the first step of success has been made, and I'll tell you that it really HAS!

CHAPTER DONE!! Hope you will like it! See you soon and stay safe ))))) 

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