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"Dad did you talk to Rajveer's parents..."...i asked dad for the fifth time while having breakfast..

"Saru i have...they are willing for your marriage but want to talk to Rajveer first..."..dad said

"Dad..they are his parents only their decision should be what matters...Rajveer should do whatever his parents tell him to...like he should learn from me...Don't i do whatever you both tell me to do..."...i asked my parents

"Biggest joke...when have you ever listened to us....fine...don't marry Rajveer then...

Sanjeev she is still young...and stupid....you know her...I am not in the favour of having this marriage..."...my mom said

Tears filled my eyes..."dad..did you hear her...she doesn't wants me to get married to Rajveer...can you believe it..."...i told dad...who i knew...would always take my side...

"Umm... Actually Sara...mumma is right...let's wait for a couple of years more....then maybe you both can get married....you'll be more mature by that time...."...dad said

"I don't believe you both...You...You..guys hurt me..."... I said and tears slipped from my eyes..

"I was never so hurt...Even when mom threw my favourite Burberry T-shirt or when i by chance broke my favourite perfume..or when Sanya Sehgal broke my favourite lip balm in class 6....or when ma'am punished me for not standing in a straight line.....or when you didn't get me anything from your business trip....i have never ever been so hurt...and dad...you're not on my side..."...i said and started crying loudly...

"I am not talking to both of you...and i won't eat anything or come out of my room until and unless you both talk to Rajveer...."...i said and got up...

"I have planned everything in my mind and then you want to break my dream...I will marry Rajveer or i won't marry anyone else...I'll stay single and alone and lonely and all my friends will make fun of me

They'll say that Sara you're still not married and then I'll tell them my parents didn't wanted me to get married to someone i really wanted to marry

Then I'll be alone and i hope you would be happy...i won't ever talk to you both...I'll not buy any dresses and shoes and perfumes...."..i was saying but stopped myself....

How can I survive without shopping and clothes...??

"I mean to say I'll buy only some dresses and shoes and then dad you would say...'Show me Sara what you have got...'

And mom would say..'stupid girl how much money you waste..'...I'll stay quiet because I would be angry on you

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