Chapter 1

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The Rammos Family was not just like any other ordinary Italian family. The lived in an estate not because they were just filthy rich but because they were Mafia rich. Patrick Rammos and his wife Melissa Rammos held the most powerful Italian Mafia that was feared and wanted by every other Mafia there was.

They had a big family meaning to fill up every corner of their business. As of now they had 7 sons , Patrick couldn't hide the fact that he also wanted a baby girl. A princess. He wanted someone he would constantly worry about even after retiring. And well he was going to receive that gift soon enough he hoped.

"You shouldn't be moving about  Melissa" said Patrick. "Your due date is near for goodness sake. Stay put" he said leading his wife to sit on the couch in the living room.  Before he could actually sit her down. Her water bag broke. They looked at each other they practically  froze. Even after 7 deliveries they still didn't know how to act when it came to these situations.

"Boss there's a...." his right hand man noticed the scene and quickly went outside and got the car along with some  guards.

"Neila you look after the kids. I'll  go with Don and Donna and do not let any of them out of your sight especially the twins" he instructed the main helper of the house.

He helped his Donna get in the  back with his husband and got infront and drove the car to the hospital. Melissa was breathing heavily while Patrick was trying his best to do breathing exercises with her. "How are you early?" Asked Patrick in the heat of the moment. "I'm always early!" yelled Melissa as they arrived at their hospital.

"Nurse Presidential  ward , Mrs Rammos  is in labour" yelled Luca as he opened the door helping Melissa out of the car. They got her on the stretcher and wheeled her into the hospital.

"Okay Mrs Patrick you're almost ready to push." Said the doctor examining her. "And as always will do it the normal way." He said signalling the nurses to come hold her down. When Melissa was in labour she would get very violent and thus the nurses holding her down. "Okay baby it's time you can do this" whispered Patrick into her ear.

"Okay Melissa  one ....two...three...push" Melissa gave her all in this push but nothing was working. This went on for another five minutes. "Whats going on? We should have been done by now" Asked Patrick  clearly worried. "It's okay Patrick  , don't you worry there absolutely  nothing. But the baby just doesn't want to come out yet. It wants to be in there for sometime I guess" said the doctor as he yet again concentrated on Melissa. "Okay one more time I see the head"

Melissa gave her all and pushed as her hard as she could. "You're doing great Melissa  just one more push and its all over" assured the doctor. Melissa held on to her husband's  hand as if her life depended on it. Pushing hard and soon within the screams that came from Melissa  came a cry as well.

"Oh goodness , what a loud scream. The other boys weren't like this" said the doctor as he gave the baby to the nurse to be cleaned. As the nurse received the baby she whispered something to the doctor. The doctor was shocked and checked the baby himself. "What what's wrong ?" Asked Patrick noticing the movement.

"I guess our scanner was so used to having Melissa  that it gave of the wrong gender" he said smiling. He walked over to Patrick. "Congratulations  it's a Princess." Patrick was so overjoyed that he practically jumped into the doctors arms. "Woooh easy there big guy. We don't want the man getting an early retirement because of you"  said Luca as he joined the hug.

" Congratulations  man. I'm so happy for you" he said giving Patrick  a brotherly  hug. "It's like one of the impossible dreams coming true." He said walking over to Melissa who was resting.

"Thank you mi amor. You've just made me the happiest man on earth all over again" he said kissing the top of her head. "Ti amor  my love" 

Some the nurse came back with a  baby girl with  the  most beautiful  angelic face that Patrick  had ever seen. "Sir , your daughter" she said as she handed over the baby to Patrick. "You're my dream  come true. I promise to always love you and be by your side always. I love you my big dream." He said and kissed the baby's head.

"Looks like I've found The great Patrick's of The Italian Familia's weakness " joked Luca as he approached him. "She's beautiful just like her mother" suddenly Patrick's head shot up and looked at  Luca. "Have you been checking out my wife?"  He asked jokingly. "Relax man I have a wife at home" he said.

Just then Melissa  woke up. And looked at her baby girl. "Here amor." Said Patrick  helped her up and placed the baby on her lap. "She's perfect" she whispered. "Why don't we get to the names" said Luca  as he faced outside the window. Checking if the security he had posted outside the hospital was there at the exact positions. "Why are you so impatient " Asked Patrick looking at his  best friend. "Because Alex threatened to kill me if I don't give him the name of his new sibling right after the birth  , so please name the angel already" he said dramatically putting his hands together.

"You need to go to the psychiatrists lab right now. We worry about you." Said Patrick as he laughed at his  friend.  "I would but then you guys need me in your lives" he said. Then motioned for them to name the baby. "Her name was already decided for goodness sake" complained  Melissa. "But those were boys names. The scanner was wrong. And I'm sure if she grows up she'll  hate us for giving her a boy's  name" said Patrick. "Her name is now Zoya Annamore Rammos" he said hoping his wife wouldn't argue on that one.

"Annamore I love it" she said.  "Baby Zoya Annamore get ready to meet the most noisiest people you've ever met. Even though you've just met the 3 of us so far"  said Luca as he opened the door and 7 boys cane rushing into the room surrounding their mother's bed.

"I told you it's a girl but you just have to disagree everytime" said Andre and he nudged his twin Andrew. "As if you knew. Aunty Neila was the one who told you" he shot back. "Shut it , you're making too much noise for the baby she won't like it" warned Anderson  as he was completely  lost in the baby's peaceful sleep.

Alex was just staring at the angel in his mother's lap. "Alex sweetie , won't you say hie to your new sister ?" Said Melissa  as she caressed  his cheek. "It's a girl " he whispered. "My sister" he said again. He kissed her forehead and looked at her "I'll always protect you" he said. "We'll  all do baby Zoya" said Alpha.

"But why is name a Z name ?" Asked Archer looking up at his his dad. "That's easy that's because she's the only girl and she's different in her own way. She's special that's  why she has a Z name"  said his brother Allan. "Makes sense to me." Said Andre eyeing  his brother wickedly. Andrew knew then what that look meant.

"Why are you always against me. I'm your twin for crying out loud" he complained as he waved his hands in the air. "Boys shhhh." Said their dad as he made them all surround their little sister "look she's  Waking up. Why don't you boys be the first faces she sees " he said.

As baby Zoya woke up she looked at all her brothers. It looked as if she was looking at all their feature. "Can't believe Alex won this time" mumbled Alpha. "Won what ?" Asked their mothers. "Baby  Zoya  has his blue eyes" he said folding his hands. His were a bit green  just like their mother's   and their fathers eyes were blue. "Looks like we have one more member in the team after all" said Dad as he looked at Alex. "Team Blue just got better" he said smiling at him.

The boys stayed for a while. Andre and Andrew fighting after every 5 minutes. Alex , Allan , Alpha and Anderson surrounded the baby in the cradle. Melissa and Patrick were cuddling each other enjoying the sight of their children. But still there was one question that need to be asked. And no matter how hard they tried. They would never avoid it. They  had to make a decision in the interest of their daughter.

But what scared them was that they never had a baby girl before. She was different. They now had all the experience  in raising a boy but a girl. She could be sensitive  about their work. She could even go psycho about the whole thing. What if the rivals kidnapped her and used her to crumble the Familia. It was weakening just thinking about it.

"We're attaching a tracker to a bracelet she'll  never take off" said Patrick as he caressed his wife's cheek. "Our Angel will be okay." He assured but he was also worried inside. "And school?" She asked looking at him concerned. "She can't be home schooled you know that. If we home school her she'll  have  trouble getting to the outside world." Explained Patrick.

"She'll got o a private school" said Melissa but as Patrick was about to protest she stopped him. "Listen nowadays all Mafia Don's are putting their children into public schools. Whoever needs a mafia  Don's  child now heads to a public school. If we put Zoya in a private school she'll  be much safer. And besides I'm sure she'll  look cute in a uniform" she said trying to lighten her husband up.

In this family the baby's life was already planned before hand. Up to 18yrs your life was under  the control of both of the parents.

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