Chapter 53

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Dillan's  POV

Seeing her like that caused my chest to tighten and it all felt like my heart would stop beating.

"Zoya" I said again not being able to process anything. Again the guilt clouded me. But this time it wasn't going to weigh me down. Not when my queen was in this condition.

She had burns on her arms and legs and judging by the cloth tight to her arm she was shot. She was barely conscious. Mirach was in the same condition but he was holding up better than Zoya.

I took Zoya from him and rushed to  her to the cars which we waiting to get her to the hospital.

"Zoya , please wake up baby. Please" I  begged as tears escaped from eyes. She just wouldn't wouldn't try to move to show signs that she was awake. Was it because it was my voice she heard?

We reached to Academy medical center and Zoya was rushed to the OT as well as to Mirach.

Fareez cane out of nowhere and she hadn't noticed. I grabbed her forearm and made her hit a wall. I punched the wall so close to her that she had closed her eyes ready for the impact.

"You will tell me what happened. Now!" I said looking at her dead in the eyes. But she just kept quiet. "Fareez I'm not your favourite person but just so you know , that right there is my queen so it either you start talking or it's your life going down" I said. I could feel myself shaking from all the anger that was bottled up inside me was now surfacing.

"Okay....I'll tell you from the start when they attended Akio Haruto's  party"   she said.

She told me about how they made the deal and how she got kidnapped  by an Assassin  named Zuzu to point where she extracted information from her and how she burned Zuz and her partner. She told how about her  call her before she spoke to me.

She told me how they were about to reach the airport to the jet but were ambushed by 20men and at that time it was just the two of them. "Which gang was it" I asked.

"We're still working on that but whoever they were are not the front head enemies. They are just a distraction." She said.

"But however  Mirach mentioned something about a weird sign on one of the guys wrist. I  not sure of it yet. It could be an ordinary tattoo  but we'll  find out about that as soon as he wakes up." She said and walked away from me.

Just then the doctor got out of the OT. "How is she?" I asked  "I don't think thats the kind of information  I should be giving to a trainee  here" he said.

What's with these people testing my information. I held him by his collar. "And I think that the kind of information you should be giving her fiancé." I said and realization struck him.

"Oh um , yes Mr Kai  Ms Zoya is alright. Her burns will take 2 to 3 weeks to heal we've  removed the bullets from her arm and thigh. Nothing deadly was damaged. She out of damaged. Although she hasn't woken up just yet"   he said. "We'll  shift her to another room soon and then you can go and see her." He said and left me to my thoughts.

She's okay but  bullets. Not just one. How long will she need bed rest.  Still stuck in thoughts I  felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Zoya has been shifted to the other rooms. You can go and see her. She'll  wake up soon"  said Elsa before walking away.

Alex's  POV

"Xavier , come on you're barely a month old and you're already giving me trouble" complained Alpha who had him in his arms trying to calm his baby cries.

"Maybe you want mommy, right you do want her don't you?" He said while handing  him over to Star who was sitting on a couch and just like that he stopped  crying.

"Oh you're definitely  a mama's boy" said Alpha while  he snapped he's fingers.

Archie was holding  Xander and they looked like  they were having a starting contest  until Xander rolled his eyes.

Well he didn't but he did and Archie just gasped. "That's your uncle Young man. You just rolled your eyes at me" he said. "Such drama" he muttered.

"But hey guys who is the oldest between the two?" Asked Andrew who was stuck to.his phone like a magnet.

"It's Xander , he came out 5minutes before Xav" said Star who was burping Xander. "So does that mean...." I looked at him and he kept quiet. As much as I can i can't avoid this topic. No matter how much I was to I just can't.

It's more of an obligation than anything really. I don't know if I can still avoid this but still wjat needs to be done has to be done.

Xander  is going to have to be the Mafia Don after me. If he doesn't accept that then I can't push him and I won't. I'll support every decision he'll take just like what my dad did to me.

Dillan's  POV

I walk into the ward and find Zoya looking out the window to the otherwise of the room.

I walk up to her and sit next her as she faces me.  "Zoya I'm-" but before I could say anything a loud explosion heard from outside.

"Zoya we need to get you to safety they are here" said Miles as he got into the room.

"Miles I'm not living you. Take the fathers and children along with the elderly to the office base make sure the reach the other side safely and get me a gun"  she said as she ripped the IV tube away from her skin.

As her feet made contact with the ground she winced in pain and I held her hand.

"Zoya you're not okay. Your stitches will bleed out if you go into the field. I be there trust me I'll protect you and everyone else but please just don't cause harm to yourself anymore." I begged. She looked at me with glossy eyes.

"I never caused to myself Dillan I just learned to accept the harm that was caused to me as my own self harm. Do you know why?" She asked. "Because  despite being in the Mafia I let loose and trusted easily."  She explained.

"And out of everyone i trusted , I trusted you the most because have my heart. And I'm still wondering when you'll give it back to me" she said and walked out of the room.

Screams and gun shots were heard outside and I honestly just knew that one thing was for sure about everything right now.

WW3  was ongoing right now.

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