Chapter 42

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Dillan's  POV

"We don't have much time Jake" I said as I knew he would be sending his guards to check on us again. "I'm trying" he said while trying to break the lock to.get some weapons out of the room.

"I think we're as good as dead" said James. "Stop complaining  and try pulling on your chains." Said Jake while.he still was focusing on the lock. While tugging on the chain the door suddenly opened making us freeze. I glanced over to Jake but he was hiding in some dark corners.

"Aren't you supposed to be 3?" Said one of the guys. But I couldn't answer because a certain black pitbull dog caught my attention behind the guys.

"Beast" I said causing James to look at me frowning. "Looks like we're  going home after all." I said to him.

"Where the hell is the 3rd one" he asked.

There were 6 of them. I know Jake could've easily  taken them down but he hadn't regained his balance yet and I'm sure as hell  he's body is still hurting. I caught a slight movement from where Jake was hiding by the corner of my eye.

"Don't you dare" I said in a deep warning voice and he knew I was talking to him but this asshole infront of me thought othere wise.

"You dare threaten me!" He said before punching my Jaw then kicking me in the abdomen. I leaned as far as I could go. Before he could say anything else a low growl was heard from behind him.

I smiled at the guy. "You're done " I said before Beast knocked him down and ripped skin of his throat before he began barking  widely at the other guards.

Just then heels were heard in the room and there she was. "I can't believe it took them 3weeks to not know where you are" she said.

The was wearing black jeans , tank top and knee high heels with her hair in a high ponytail  as always.

She took out of  her guns  from behind her waist band and killed three people with headshot before one of them charged at her with  a knife. She quickly threw her gun at Jake and held the guy's  wrist before twisting it the wrong way while the guy screamed like a 16year old.

She proceeded  to knock him out buy making his head collided with her knee.  She catwalked to the next guy deadly and he was holding a blowtorch. She frowned at him. He aimed to  kick her and she dodged but he was fast enough to make the blowtorch land on her open skin on her arm. She just looked at her wound before looking back at the guy.

She chuckled at kicked the blowtorch out of his hands and she took it. She then kicked him between his legs and when he ached forward his face collided with the blow torch and she just held him in place while the thing damaged him till death.

After dealing with they guys she walked over to the weapons door which  Jake had been trying to open and she opened it by shooting the damn lock.

She pressed a yellow button and our chains unlocked before we kissed the floor.

Jake hugged Zoya and kissed her forehead. She then walked over to where I was laying down while looking at her. She crouched  down to my level as smiled with her head tilted to one side.

I return the smile and she stood up. She went with Jake outside and after a few moments she came back. "Now to.get you guys up on your feet" she said with her hands on her waist looking as sexy as fuck.

"Dillan help me out here , you need to get up" she said while trying me stand up. After trying a couple more times I finally stood up on shakey legs then she walked me to the walk honestly holding most of me.

She made me sit in the front while.Jake was resting in the back having some potatoes chips.

"Where did you get that?" I asked frowning at him.

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