Chapter 38

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Alex's POV

I've  noticed how both the girls were acting a bit jumpy and how both their hands were shaking. I know they kick ass ruthlessly but still they have some training to do when it comes to them lying.

Delma has  swollen eyes and they were a bit teary  meaning that she had been crying. Zoya on the other had kept on looking around as if expecting to find something.

"Girls what's wrong?" I asked again and they both looked at me before looking back at each other. "Nothing" they both said earning a look from mom. "You two need to start talking" she said placing her fork down and looking intently  at the girls.

"Guys come on   , we've just started eating and whatever it is I'm sure it's not much of a big deal. They are two 20year old leaving in the same house of course they have their secrets" said Archie. "And rule number 4... no problems discussed on the dinner table" he said and continued  digging into his food.

Mom.just nodded and let go of the matter while me on the other hand saw the relieved look on their faces as they began eating.

And after dinner they managed to get away with the whole thing.

Zoya's  POV

So Delma decided that today was going to be that day when she would tell Dillan about her pregnancy. I honestly hope everything will go well. James picked her up at home and they both drove to the cassino where Dillan was supposed to be. She even put on her engagement ring just to put the matter on the table as real as it could get.

Apparently  that microchip  belonged to a guy Liam Cortez.  He was just a guy in techniques as per his background.

I was coming from training with Alex's bestfriend Dante. He was the one training me even though I was already good myself. I just did it to pass the time and Dante sometimes needed a time out from the other things.

"Zoya I  think you twisted my ankle" he said while limping towards me. He sat down next to me and I took the heat rub from the medical kit in the training room.

"Here help yourself" i said handing him the heat rub.  "You're evil" he muttered and started applying heat rub to his ankle. "Dante it's not lotion , properly" I said while typing away on my phone.

"It hurts" he whispered making my eyes go wide and look at him. "What did you just say" I asked don't believe that the toughest trainer I've heard so far said that. And to top it all Alex's right hand man. What the actual fuck!.

"I'm human too Zoya , you broke me" he said looking me. I took the heat rub from heat and sighed.

I took his leg and put it on my lap. "Don't you dare hurt me more than what you've already done. " He said. I just ignored him and started rubbing him and all I can say was I'm sure everyone outside thought something terrible was happening because they all came in with their guns ready to attack and all that.

"Good you're all in here. I need you guys to hold him down. I need to apply the heat rub on him" I said.

They all nodded but I'm sure they found the situation awkward. After holding Dante  "someone cover his mouth" I said. One of the guards covered his mouth.

"You'll love me.more after this" I said while restarting the whole processes. After a good 15minutes I stopped at Dante was just staring at me like he was going to murder me.

"Okay you'll only let him go after I'm safely out of this room." I said and stood up gathering my things before walking out of the door.  "Zoya this isn't over." He yelled. And I started running to my room.

After locking the door of my room I saw an envelope on my bed.

I got to my bed and took and name written  from it.

ZOYA   Where stories live. Discover now