Chapter 26

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Zoya's POV

You tell me ? How best can you wake up to the day of your surgery. How best can you keep it together in a life or death situation. I'm trying as hard as possible not to cry or to look sad but I can help but to think what if. What if something goes wrong. What if I don't make it. I won't get to spend time with dad. I won't get to spent time with anyone.

I was resting on my bed just as the nurses had instructed  me to do when Mom walked in. I had and oxygen mask on  , already. 

"Hey princess." She said coming to sit by the side of my bed on the stool. She took my hand and kissed it. She looked at me while she rested her cheek on the back to my hand she was holding.

"You know the day I went into to.labour  with your pregnancy I knew whatever happened after would be totally worth it. I just knew that you'd be different. I got a baby girl. She takes after me mostly. She has my black hair and her dad's blue eyes. I don't know how exactly to.say that she's more than perfect." She said.

She kissed my hand again. "Zoya my baby. I love you all too much baby. I love you more than my arms can hold. I want you back after this surgery. I want you laughing and talking again." She said. "I want you to come to me and tell me about Dillan baby. I want you and I to.keep on talking as always. I dint ever want you to leave my side baby girl. You're my baby. It's only right that you stay with me baby. And I know that you will. I just want you calm so that it's an on and out surgery. Baby , I love you" she said. She stood up and kissed my forehead. She stayed some more humming her lullaby  which she always sang to me every night before I went to sleep.

After she ended her song she got up and kissed my forehead one more time before leaving.

Next dad came in. He kissed my forehead  and rearranged my hair. "You're the most beautiful  flower in this whole wife  world my baby girl dal momento in cui sei nato e prima ti ho sempre amato piccola mia. sei il fattore più importante della mia vita. Amo così tanto il mio bambino. Voglio che tu entri sapendo che entrerai con il mio cuore e la mia anima insieme. Condurrò alla tua porta OT e ti aspetterò proprio fuori quando uscirai, piccola mia. Prometto alla mia bambina tutto ciò di cui ho bisogno sei tu e tutto ciò che spero di avere la mia cara figlia. tutto quello che voglio sei tu "

( from the moment you were born and before I've always love you my baby. you're the most important factor in my life. I love so much my baby. I want you to go in there knowing that you're going in with my heart and soul together. I'll  lead to.your OT door and I'll be waiting for you right outside when you get out my baby. I promise my baby girl all I need is you and that'll all I hope to ever have my darling daughter. all I want is you) He said.

He looked at me for some more time. "Ti amo bambina mia" ( I love you my baby girl) "sei il mio mondo. il mio sogno da insetto" ( my baby girl. My big dream) He kissed my forehead again.

He left the room after wards and Alex came in. He sat on the stool and kissed my hand  before starting to draw circles on it  "sai che le regine sono fatte per stare sui troni e governare il mondo intero. ma questa particolare femmina di regina è a letto con una maschera per l'ossigeno addosso. non sembra buono se me lo chiedi. affatto. quindi il modo migliore per sbarazzarsi di questo è andare in quell'operazione e sistemare tutto ciò che non va in te prima che lei si sieda di nuovo sul suo trono e regni e cammini in questo mondo." 

( you know queens are meant  to be  on thrones and ruling over the whole world. but this particular  female  of a queen is in bed with an oxygen mask on her. it doesn't look good if you ask me. not at all. so the best way to get rid of this is to go into that surgery  and get whatever is wrong with you fixed before  she sits on her throne again and rules and walks in this world) He said.

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