Chapter 44

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Alex's POV

"What are you going to do about it ?" I asked Zoya through the chip.

"I don't leave traitors unpunished , you taught me that. She'll  hand over the information which she's already done but I can't be too sure if this information  is valid so before that I need her to get me more than what she's placed on the table" she said.

"Okay Princepessa. But please nomatter what , you double tap that watch when there's trouble." I said.

"I promise I'll call you when I can't get out of the trouble I've put myself in. Have a great day , yeah" she said and ended the call.

I turned to the Dante my right hand man and bestie. "We need to go see Big R. He might have some things for us. Gather 70men. We're about to set something ablaze tonight " I told him before walking out of the office.

I ran into dad on the way.

"Avrei anche potuto giurare di esserne sicuro"

"I could have even   swore  to be sure of it" he said will walking past me. Curiosity  got the best of me and I followed him.

He was walking at a fast pace and didn't even look where he was going. Well that's because he knew the house like the back of his hand. He himself grew up in here.

After a couple of twist and turns we came to a dead end staring at a wall in the Mansion with a picture of our Great Great grandmother Salia Montana.

"vedi la nonna, non dimentico mai nemmeno alla vecchiaia" he muttered before putting his hand close to Granny Salia's face and the picture opened up.

( see granny , I never forget even at old age)

I was so surprised. 28 years of living in the same house and not knowing of this path way.

"padre cos'è questo. qualcun altro sa di questo. da quanto tempo è lì. siamo sicuri che sia sicuro"

I was just running my mouth all over the place.

"c'è stato un tempo in cui la Familia sebbene le donne non potessero combattere. quindi li abbiamo rinchiusi qui ogni volta che c'era un attacco alla nostra casa. ma da ora ogni donna può prendere a calci in culo. questo posto non è stato utilizzato per oltre 90 anni. tutto grazie a mia nonna, nonna Salia"

( there was a time where the Familia though women couldn't fight. so we locked them up in here whenever  there was  an attack on our house. but since now every woman can kick ass. this place hasn't been used for over 90 years. all thanks to my grandmother   , granny Salia) He explained as we both got  through the secret entrace.

"che cazzo è questo posto" I said looking at the place shocked. (What the fuck is this place)

Dillans POV

"Do you think this international  crime scene is gonna have many familias well excluding ours , Alex's,  Liams and probably some rivals of our Mafias.?" Asked James as he typed away codes on his phone.

"French , Russian and Italian are on one side and the rest are on the other side" said Anita who was helping Jake with some papers.

"How do you know that. The database said nothing of that?" Said Delma looking at her confused.

"It didn't have to , why  ? That's easy. French Mafia is run by one of Zoya's  uncles not sure which one. Then there us the Russian I think we all know which side lover boy is on then there's Italian thats the Rammos. It's like the big three fighting minors grouped together to form one" Explained Anita.

"You seem lost" said Delma while poking  my cheek. "I'm fine don't worry about it" I said.

Actually I wasn't fine. The thing is simple.

The war is going on because of a rumor. Something just doesn't add up. A deadly military weapon that could kill thousands. Why?

And even if it was his dad that designed it , why would Mr Rammos  ask his daughter to go through such a deadly.missioj to achieve it.

Matter of fact none of this makes sense at all. It's like trying  to join two pieces  of a puzzle  together but they are adjoining pieces.

"James and Jake " I finally said. And everyone turned to me.

"In the office upstairs now" I said and stood up.

"How very mature of them" muttered Delma and I just ignored her for now. If this was another situation I'd  be  more than willing to bicker with her.

After Jake closed the door to the office  we all took our seats.

"Whats wrong?" Asked James.

"I just need to confirm something without the others knowing thats all." I said while handing my laptop which was on the work desk to James.

"I need you to hack into the Rammos weapons data base. I need information on every weapon that they have. I mean everyone of them" I said

"What!" They both said.

"No no  no , you just got onto Alex's good side. Then there's you trying to hack into their database. If they find out we're as good as dead. Not to forget that the Rammos twin are just as good  hackers as us matter of fact they create international  codes themselves. They'll  destroy you if they ever find out." Said  Jake.

"Well  I just want to  confirm about the weapon. We can't start a war based on a rumor. Honestly I just need  confirmation thats all"  I explained.

"And if they do infact have that weapon what are you planning  to do about it" Asked James who was now holding the laptop in his hands.

"Then I guess my father in law will have some shit to explain to me." I said.

Jake and James looked at me one more time before James began typing away on my laptop.

After about 30 minutes of waiting  he printed out some files and handed each one of us a copy.

Reading through the files I found myself folding my  free hand into a fist and my Jaw tightened.

"And if your loyalty lies in  lies all that you'll get is betrayal" I said and walked put of my study.

Alex's POV

"The rest lies with in your hands son. I've done what I could for that past 50years I've been in charge of this Familia now all that was entitled to me is now yours. Including this w-"

Just then my phone rang and I pulled  it out from my pocket.  It was Andre.

"Talk to me" I said.

"Someone hacked into the weapons data base. And it's not very calming who that person is. Come home were in your office" he saidnand ended the call.

"Someone hacked  into our weapons system   , we need to.go back  now"

We were home but not that everyone else knew that.

After getting into the office  , I found  the twins , Archie  and Allan  waiting for me with stone cold faces.

"Kai" I muttered after seeing the face on the screen.

"What did he take" i asked.  "All the information of our weapons where we get them,  where we sell them and what type are they and also which is the latest and which is the deadliest. Let's just say he took every information  about every weapon that's in our name" said Andrew giving up on his own voice.

"That bastard has really crossed the line. We stay in our limits and repeat each other. If he needed information he could've just  asked us. Why did he have to hack into our system." I said and threw my paper holder across the room.

"He's loyalty no longer stands with us nor does he. Zoya is not to be seen with him ever." I said and walked out of the room.

"You got to know what  you're not supposed to Kai"

ZOYA   Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz