Chapter 59

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Zoya's  POV

After James set some food on my table he then gave Delma her food and kissed the side of her head before he sat on the couch watching the news.

"SEE!" yelled Delma earning both of our attention. "Sorry baby it's" she said to James  while waving at him. When  he turned his attention back to  the TV she looked at me.

"It's not like I'm annoyed with him but then I just can't help it. He leaves me wanting. His kiss on my hand , forehead , cheek what's me to what him on me in me everywhere me" I just looked at her wide eyed.  She just continued rattling about how she wanted more sex and everything else and it scared me just the thought of having to go through that.

I just stood up from the bed and went towards James. I patted his shoulder and told him to stand up. He did as told and I whispered whatever Delma was saying in my ear then walked out the room and I heard the door locking behind me and I smiled to myself.

I just signed at convinced  myself that I needed  a walk after all I've been staying in that hospital room for about 3days straight.

I was going down the corridor  when I heard voices coming from a room. I signed and rolled my eyes at my curiosity and followed them.

"I'm scared that she'll hate me." Said Dillan. "Jake after everything I've done I can't bring myself to face her. I feel so ashamed and I can't.  I just can't temper with her feelings like that."  He said to Jake. "Does she know how fucked up I am right now. I mean back at the academy does she even know." He asked but Jake.didnt say anything. Know about what? 

"I cheated on her. I just can't get rid of the fact that I actually cheated on her. I don't know how it happened. I lost control and I  can't even justify my actions. I was thinking of her and Essence came in....I just. How can I even claim to her when I couldn't be faithful to her" he said.

My heart was beating so fast. I didn't  know how I bumped into some cutlery causing them to scatter on the floor earning their attention.

Dillan's  eyes literally popped put of their sockets  as he started walking towards me. My cheeks were already wet from tears and I turned around to go.

I just felt the need to get out of here. This room. This ward. This hospital everything about it was just too suffocating.

"Zoya please wait" he said while he ran after me.  "Stop please , you'll hurt yourself"

The wounds on my legs didn't help because I felt him wrap his arms around my waist pulling me to him.

Dillans POV

My heart was racing and all I just told myself was "I can't loose her" I kept repeating those words in my mind while I held her trembling body in my arms. I  turned  her around and she began trying to make  me let her go but I was just too scared.

If I let her go now would she ever come back?

Would I still see her?
Her voice , her smile   Her frown her pout everything  would I still have that?

I just pulled her to me as she cried.

"I'm sorry" was all I could say as she  covered her face with her hands and cried on my chest.

"I'm really very sorry , I promise I just want you and I wanted you then and I want you now. Zoya I'm so sorry" I begged with her still in my arms.

"Whats wrong with Zoya?" Asked the one person I knew would  never handle this in a less painful way.

"Why is  she  crying?" He asked but I just looked at  him. "I won't ask you again Kai" he said. Why was Archie blessed with a temper.

Archie's POV

"Hie Papa" she answered her call. I just smiled  at her voice. She was talking to her grandfather who was in town for the weekend and we had gone out to get supplies for him since he was now going back when she decided it was best if we went to see Zoya before driving her Grandpa back home.

Yes I was going with them because I didn't want Chiley to travel alone at night.

"Yes we'll  leave at 7:30 sharp. Okay Papa bye. Ti amor " she said and ended the call when she saw  that we'd arrived at the hospital.

"You could've went on without me you know" she said. "I just don't want other guys feasting their eyes on you" I said and kissed the back on her hand before getting out of the car.

We walked into the hospital and took the private lift to the presidential ward to meet Zoya.  The private lift was only for family and it was usually used by mom or Anderson since they were mostly in the hospital.

As the lift opened I saw Kai hugging someone. She was covering her face but hell I'd know that face even if she was 3000 kilometers away from me.

"Whats wrong with Zoya" I asked and he looked up and saw me. "Why is she crying" I asked him again but he still didn't answer.

"I'm not going to ask you again Kai" I said loosing my patience.  Just then Zoya proceeded  to move out of Kai's hands and looked at me. She looked beside me and saw Chiley.

"Oh My Goodness , you're definitely Chiley" she said before hugging her. "Hie I'm Zoya" she said pulling back but I kept my stare on Kai and he was looking back at me.

"Archie you should've told me that she was coming , come on" she said and she playfully hit my arm.  "Sorry princess but it was suprise." I said pulling her into a hug and kissing her head.

"Why are you out of bed?" I asked. Just then her eyes popped out of their sockets  before she shook her head. "I just got one of the weirdest images in my head about what might be going on in my room" she said.

"Come on let's go to the lounge upstairs noone is there" she said while she pulled Chiley along. "I'll be with you girls in a minute"  I said while looking a Kai.

"Explain" I said looking coldly at him. "And don't you freaking lie to me" I said.

"She overhead me and Jake talking about something and it evolved her and she didn't take it too well , matter of fact no girl would. I was apologizing to  her when you came."  He said.

"What did you do" I said in a deadly calm voice.

"I-  I cheated on her" he said. "How?" I asked stepping up to him. I looked at me for a moment  and signed hanging his head low. "I had sex with another girl at the academy" he said.

After he saw no reaction  he lifted.his head and looked at me and that's the exact moment I lost my temper and threw a hard blow on his left  Jaw causing him to stagger a bit before regaining his balance.

"Archie!"  Yelled a voice from behind me. Turning around I see a confused face looking back and forth between me and Kai.

"You need to explain yourself" he said  I looked at Kai shaking with rage. "Only after I'm done with him"  I said and was now advancing towards me ready to throw a punch at him when  she came infront of him causing me to stop dead in my tracks.

"Stop" she whispered while looking straight in my eyes and that caused all of my rage and power to go down the drain and pull her into a hug.

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