Chapter 63

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Zoya's POV

A few weeks later

"YOU WHAT???"  Said my brother  in unison.

Yeah so we took in the baby and named him Aiden Raphael Zelda. Dillan decided for him to take his surname since i was changing my surname in a few months either way. We prepare  everything for our baby. The nursery which we spend most our time in these days.  Delma won't get out of the closet. She's so in love with it and I'm so in love with the colors Dillan had picked out for Aiden.

I won't lie we didn't have the perfect night's the first days but after Anita helped us with Aiden's sleeping schedule everything has been quite okay.

Now we're in my father's house where my brothers , parents , dillan's  parents and some close friends were.

"Zoya you have a baby. Who is just about 2months old . How on earth is that making sense?" Asked Alpha who was looking at both Dillan and I shocked.

"Can we see him" Asked Dillans mom Nallel. I nodded  and asked Anita to come in.  She came in holding sleeping Aiden in her hands. That's what he spends most of his time doing.

He loves to sleep during the day and at night it's quite a mini war while trying to put him to sleep. He sleeps 3times a day.

Anita handed him to me and looked at Dillan and then walked over to Nallel.

She kept on looking at the baby while everyone just kept on starring at me and Dillan. "How is this possible that you got pregnant and didn't tell us anything?" Asked Andre  who was holding his phone like his life depended  on it. "I didn't get pregnant " I said

Nallel had now passed Aiden to my mom who was sitting besides dad. She suddenly gasped and that made everyone to rush to her. "It's like a combination of both your eyes." Said Star looking at Aiden's eyes.

I smiled remembering  the first time he opened his eyes as well. They are so capturing.

"Whats his name ?" Asked Dad who was so lost at staring at the baby. "It's Aiden Raphael Zelda" said Dillan who was also  looking at dad.

"Now tell us how did you two find a baby that has both your features?" Asked Dillan's  Dad.

We explained the whole story just as Delma had told me and how she literally begged us to take him in and how we also wanted to take him in ourselves.

"Oh my poor child" gasped mom. "You know he's one of the luckiest babies in this world. It's like fate led him straight into your arms. And I'm now a grandma of 3. Old age is really catching up with me fast."  She said making everyone chuckle  and just then Aiden made a small sound that made everyone look at him so lovingly and attentively.

Dillan wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed the side of my head. "That went well." He said. "Better than expected." I said back to him.

Aiden's  nursery

Aiden's  nursery

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