Chapter 7

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Patrick's POV

After my princess and I won the father daughter dance  she excused herself a went outside to give our awards to our guards but she was gone for a long time. Mr Leckford  and I both went out side to look for our respective daughters. Just as we got outside both of then were talking to each other. "Looks like it's not us alone who have become friends" joked Mr Leckford. I nodded and chuckled while paying attention to my daughter. She seems tense and worried. She seemed like she was getting out of control even though she was trying hard to control it. Before I could rescue her from what she was fighting hard to not let loose. But before I could get to her Mr Leckford's daughter whispered something to my daughter. She made her loose it. She put her left hand on her shoulder and her right she slapped her hard knocking her out cold. An angry voice Boomed from behind her turning to look at the voice it was Alex who stood there shocked. Upon reaching her Alex grabbed her shoulders and urged her to speak up but she was completely numb.  Seeing her condition I called the ambulance to our private hospital in 10 minutes it arrived.

"Mr Rammos  thank you so much" said Mr Leckford  carrying his daughter to the ambulance but I quickly held him. "Use your car the equipment in the ambulance is meant daughter" I said. I rushed to Alex instructed him to carry Zoya to the ambulance. "But her medication was supposed to keep her condition  at bay" said the doctor while putting needles into her skin. "Condition ? What condition are you talking about " Asked Alex who was in the ambulance with us. "Explain everything, in detail" he said looking at me furiously for a moment I forgot everything a got lost staring at my son while the moment replayed in my head. "Dad" said Alex as he shook me. "What happened" he asked getting worried. "Tell me that you didn't call your mother " I said hoping he didn't while I was busy replaying that horrible scene in my head. He nodded  assuring me that he didn't call her.

Upon reaching the hospital Zoya was rushed into the ICU. "While the doctors treat Zoya you need to explain everything" he said while looking me. I signed  and nodded.

* Flashback*

It was on  Zoya's  8th birthday when Patrick  went with her to the park while the others planned her birthday party at home. Zoya was very much in love with surprises back then. She was always excited about her birthday. "Zoya how old are you?"  Asked Patrick  his  hands on his knees. She run up to him and put 7 fingers in the air. Patrick laughed and shook his hand and made Zoya put another finger in the air. "Now that's how old you are" he said. "How many is that princess?" Zoya counted her fingers and looked at her dad. "That's eight. I'm now eight years old" she said jumping up and down. "Good girl  , now let's go get ice cream" said Patrick  and he  his daughter hand while she run to the ice cream stand with  him following behind. Just as she received her ice cream she noticed someone behind a tree pointing a gun at her dad. She knew what a gun could do and she knew what her family was in. She pushed her dad as hard as she could causing him to trip and fall the moment the bullet hit the ice cream  man. Patrick got up and quickly took her daughter in his hands as the shoot out began. His right hand man Luca covered for him while he got Zoya to a safe place. "Shhhh , it's okay my baby" whispered Patrick  as he tried to soothe her trembling daughter. "Stay here with Tye and ill be back before you know it" he kissed her forehead and grabbed a gun and joined the shoot out.  He took down most of the guys along with Luca and some of his guards that were with him all this while. Just as Luca thought he had them all someone aimed for his leg. Luca was down but there was no way Patrick was planning on leaving his right hand man and his bestfriend  on a open space just for someone to shoot him.  Just as he got to Luca a bullet  grazed his arm. Causing the gun to fall from his hand and went out of reach. "Long time no see friend" said a voice from behind him. It's true that him and the guy were friends but the guy just got jealous after he saw that Patrick was the one to get Melissa and not him. After that he was out for blood. Patrick's blood. "It's a shame you have to die like this. Poor beautiful Melissa would be heart broken for ages and your 8children they are all to young to be running a Mafia Looks like Luca will take over , but that's not the plan. Is it. The plan is that I take over and Melissa and your kids become all mine. " he said smiling like the devil himself. "It was fun till it lasted Patrick , Lucas" said Marco as he aimed both the guns onto their foreheads.  "One , two , three and.....". Both Patrick and Lucas braced themselves for the pain that never came. Soon they hear someone gasp for air.  Opening their eyes they saw Marco's shirt drenched with blood.  Two bullets  were fired right at his heart. Turning to the shooter they could not  believe their eyes. Patrick quickly ran and snatched the gun away from the shooters trembling hands. "Shhhh its okay my baby. It okay Princess everything is going to be okay" but Anna kept crying and shaking uncomfortably. She was only eight and she killed someone. She couldn't get the image out of her head. The surprise was cancelled under the pretext that there was a shoot out but they didn't dare mention it to anyone that Anna had killed a guy. Luca and Patrick  kept it to themselves about who had killed Marco. Patrick made Zoya swear to him that she would never say anything about that day.  A few days after the incident Zoya kept having continuous nightmares she would scream and cry for hours but her dad was with her every step of the way. His daughter had saved his life even after killing someone at the age of 8. When she got into therapy with a private doctor. The doctor diagnosed  her with a mental condition that caused the visuals of that day to continue  replay themselves  making them seem like it was the present as if it was happening in that moment and time and she couldn't get rid of them. The visuals were powered by anger and provocation. Sometimes she would completely and lash out hurting someone so bad that they would even slip into a comma.  And surprising enough only the doc , Patrick,  Luca and Zoya knew about this.

*end of Flashback*

Alex's POV

I  looked at my dad Speechless. He had kept something to himself for 10whole years. It seemed to explain alot. Zoya never liked her birthday that much. She never liked ice cream and she didn't like meeting knew faces. Her anger issues were part of her mental conditions. The man she put in a comma wasn't because she fought well but because she lashed out. I felt as though my world was spinning  and I  held on to a wall trying to regain his balance. I looked at dad who was facing the city with he back at me. "That explains  all of Zoya's  early trainings. And I thought it was because she was a bigger risk than us." I looked down then up again. But before I could say anything the doctor walked out of the ICU. "Mr Rammos  , we've managed to stabilise Zoya. Her mental.condition has worsened  instead of going down. Whatever happened before this must've made her very angry and triggered back the incident. We have to start the process all over again" said the doctor taking of his glasses and cleaning them. "If it doesn't work. We have to resort to the final stage of this treatment but its risky" he explained. "Whats the final stage ?" I asked looking at him worriedly "We'll  have to erase her memory of that event" he signed."But if we do that she might loose.all of her memory meaning she'll not remember anything about herself" he looked down then put his glasses on "she'll  not remember you"  he finished. Before dad and I could react  that one voice we didn't want to hear spoke. "Who wouldn't remember  them" Asked the voice. Turning around I saw mom with confusion plastered  all over her face. "Where's Zoya?" She asked turning

Dillan's POV

fter my queen won the show with her dad. She walked out of the ball room and went outside with her awards. I took it as my chance to congratulate her. When I got there she was with Clara who was looking like a total mess. I don't know what had happened  with her but whatever it is it was taking a great toll on my girl. She was trying hard to contain her anger. Just then Clara whispered something into her ear she caused her to completely loose it and slap her. Clara passed out the moment she was slapped. And my queen stood there frozen. Her brother was trying hard to.make her talk but she just stood still and as if everything around her was not what she knew. When the ambulance got there , her brother carried her into it and it drove off. "Whats going on?" I asked still looking at the ambulance as it was reversing. "There only one way to find out , come on" said James as he got to the car. He and started the engine  and got the car to us. "Is she always like.that?" Asked Jake looking at his twin. His twin just ignored him and continued  following the ambulance. As it got to the hospital she was quickly wheeled to the ICU.

"What the going on" I said running a my hair. "James I  need all the info on Anna , dig deep please" I said looking at him helplessly. He nodded and went away. Obviously he was going back to the car and begin his research. "I don't worry Dillan. She'll be okay." Said Jake while tapping my shoulder. "I hope" he whispered thinking that I don't hear it. "What the fuck did you say" I asked looking at him angrily. I grabbed his collar "What did you just say Jake" he just continued looking at ne bewildered. "Don't make me ask again" I commanded feeling all the range inside me resurfacing.

"Dillan" said James as he got with his phone in his hand. "It's bad" he said handing me the phone.  I snatched the phone and read through it. I felt something drop to the pitch of my stomach. My eyes got teary and I felt weak that I sat on the floor. With my head buried between my knees. "I should've earlier Dillan but she I'm so soryy" said Jake.with his head down. "Tell me everything" I said looking at him. He nodded.

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