Chapter 37

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Jake's POV

I was just about to get into the car after I had dropped of Zoya and said my goodbyes to Archie when both of us heard a piercing scream. We both rushed into the house and went to the western  wing which was Zoyas room.

We found her on the cold floor.passed out. Archie picked  her up in bridal style  and went to place her on the bed but certainly not ignoring  the pictures that were on the walls.

Every picture of Zoya life and I mean everything. From her high school life  , college and even now. The picture were hung on the walls. Its like  whoever did this always had tabs on Zoya. Even pictures.of Alex's wedding that happened months ago.

I pulled put my phone about to call Dillan. "Don't-" but I cut him off. "He already knows what's the point of not telling him?" I asked.  "That's because it's not in anyway related to you guys. Zoya is a Rammos the princess of the palace and Dillan is a Don a new profound one for that  matter. The meetings and taking over are still weighing him down. If he knows about this , he'll get even more Possessive and will not focus on your Familia. He may even let it crumble.

This guy may not be obsessed with Zoya but is trying to create a distruction for Dillan so that when the time is right he'll ambush him." Archie explained to me. "Still if I don't tell him and he finds out in another way. He'll definitely-" but this time he cut me short. "Zoya knows the drill. We did it with Laex once and she's more than willing to do this for Dillan. You just make sure that Dillan doesn't get distracted from his work..because it the whole thing collapses they'll blame Zoya and I won't stand for it" he said the last part with a bit of rage.

I just nodded and put my phone back into my pocket. Archie walked out of the room and cane back with 3maids. "Make sure that all the picture are roved in the next 30minites" he said to them and they nodded starting to.remove the pictures.

Just then my phone rang while I was outside Zoya's  room with Archie. We both looked at the caller ID and I looked at him. "What now" I asked. He motioned for me to answer the call.

"Yes Dillan-"

"You've been gone for about an hour what's happening?" He asked and I looked at Archie

Archie took the phone from me. "Wassup Dillan.- yeah I had to hold him off a bit- exactly - you never  know. Okay we'll talk" he said and hung up.

"I just told him that you had to hold off a but just in case that bastard is out there" he said while sitting himself down on of the couches in the living room upstairs.

"What now. How would he have gotten inside anyway?" I asked. "I was home.the whole day. Noone came in and noone went out except for the ones already in the helpers and guards which means-" but he was cut short. "Which means it's someone from the inside." Said Zoya who was now in a baggy t-shirt and shorts.

"Could be that. But who?" Asked Archie. "That's for us to find out and for noone else to know" she said.

She looked at me and I shook my head. "I didn't tell him about the pictures but when he does find out , it'll get ugly" I said and she just nodded.

"I should get going." I said standing up. Zoya walked me to the door. I told her to be safe and kissed her forehead before getting into the car and driving to our place.

Zoya's  POV

I was now with Archie with some of the pictures that were  taken by my stalkers. I was laying down on the couch upside down with my hair hanging off the couch.

I was looking at a picture were I was wearing a white pencil dress that hugged my curves right with my hair in a ponytail as always I had  a black coat and heels with a bunch of guards behind me.

ZOYA   Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt