Chapter 35

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Stars POV

I think I'm the luckiest girl in the world. I have the best man as my husband. The most incredible  brother in laws. They all have different characters but I love then like that. And there's the sweetest little sister in law I could ever ask for. Then there the most phenomenal  woman as my mother in law. And the most caring a concerned  man as my father in law. If I'm being honest I wouldn't have it any other way.

Zoya had already walking in with Allan since he was Alex's  best man and i was currently standing behind white closed doors with Dad (Alex's father). I wrapped my hand around his and we entwined our fingers but he noticed my shaky self.

"Whats wrong dear?" He asked. "It's just in afraid of messing up this important walk down the aisle. I don't want to embrace anyone" I said truthfully. He patted my hand lightly. "Don't you worry about a thing , you'll do great. And besides I promise I won't let you fall" he said. "Also you have a once  Mafia Don walking you down. So that's double the protection" he said.

I chuckled and nodded. Soon the music was playing  and I the doors were opened. Everyone was standing looking at me. Some where in shock   , others were just full on adoring me but what caught my attention was the man waiting for me at the aisle.

He looked at me with his eyes as if they would just pop out of their sockets. When I got to him his dad put my hand in his. "Take care of her or you'll have me to deal with " he whispered to Alex and I felt him stiffened and he nodded.

"You can take my life if I ever mess it up." He said.

I handed my flowers to Zoya and now.she was holding her bouquet as well as mine.

"Yoh look absolutely  beautiful my love I'm so glad I found you" he said. I smiled warmly at him. "I glad I found you too" I said.

And the priest began.

"We're gathered here to witness the holy and scared bonding of two people  , a man Alex Matteo Rammos  and a woman Star James who have been profoundly brought together by the bounds and ropes of destiny and fate...." Well yeah the priest just kept going on and on but honestly I didn't listen. I just stared at Alex just so happy that right now I could wake up next to him with him smiling or being grumpy I didn't care but for now I just wanted be him and always be him.

"Now the partners shall say their vows for everyone present her to hear. Alex you can start" he said motioning for him to start.

"Star James da quando ti ho incontrato ho conosciuto la mia vita e il mio cuore ora apparteneva a te. hai preso il mio cuore e l'hai fatto tuo da tenere e non mi dispiace. Voglio che tu lo tenga con te da qui in avanti perché mi sento al sicuro solo con il mio cuore con te. Non sono mai stato così contento della mia vita, ma sei intervenuto e hai aggiunto queste emozioni che non sapevo di avere. credimi Star quando dico che sei la donna più bella di questo mondo. e sono così felice che tu sia mio da mantenere. Prometto di essere presente in ogni situazione e in ogni passo. Prometto di essere sempre al tuo fianco, sempre al tuo fianco. sei la mia speranza, luce e fondamento e in questo momento davanti a tutti mi consegno pienamente a te Star James. perché mi hai mostrato l'altro lato dell'amore che non ho mai conosciuto. Ti amo Star"

"since I met you I have known my life and my heart now belonged to you. you took my heart and made it yours to keep and i'm not sorry. I want you to keep it with you from here on out because I just feel safe with my heart with you. I've never been so happy with my life, but you stepped in and added these emotions that I didn't know I had. believe me Star when I say that you are the most beautiful woman in this world. and I'm so glad you're mine to keep. I promise to be present in every situation and in every step. I promise to always be by your side, always by your side. you are my hope, light and foundation and in this moment in front of everyone I give myself fully to you Star James. because you showed me the other side of love that I've never known. I love you Stella "  when he finished his vows I was in tears. I couldn't believe that I'd ever find someone so willing,  loving and true.

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