8. Deserve it!?

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After calming my racing heart, I came down

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After calming my racing heart, I came down.The men in the family, along with Devaki jeji were in the hall talking, the ladies were in the dinning hall when, "I don't like that girl!" Durga Attayya said aloud.

"Who?" Pragathi asked.

"That Stuti!"

"Why Ma?"

"I have seen both the girls since childhood. Prashanthi is so sweet, well mannered, cultured, you know the perfect daughter-in-law material. That Stuti is loud obnoxious and brass. You know she even said f word to Shanthi after taking the blessings from her? Shiva..Shiva!! I am telling you, she is somehow related to Prashanthi running away".

"That's what you think? Or that's what Shanthi thinks?" Uma Attayya asked.

"Well.. Shanthi thinks that way, but ... After deep inspection even I think so. You know Sharath....."

"So be it! She might be a fraud, but Durga, she is your daughter-in-law, not Prashanthi. So you will have to start talking in Stuti's favour".


"For family's honour? Prajapati's daughter-in-law can't be a fraud now, can she?"

"You are right!"

With that agreed and settled we waited for the newly weds to come back home. After they came, we welcomed them. Then, I tried feeding Kriya. But I guess she was too tired. She was active all through the wedding, as she was showered with attention. All that playing, might have worn her down. She looked sleepy. But I did not want to spoil her routine, hence the feeding.

I thought she might eat better if I take her outdoors. But no matter how many flowers and birds were shown, my baby girl would just not eat. Kriya is not a picky eater, she has never troubled me. But today... sigh! Please eat something baby.. I sent a silent prayer.

"What's the matter?" I heard a grim voice. Bhairav!

I immediately turned to him and mumbled, "she...she isn't eating". Oh God! What would he think? I was supposed to take care of her, but I couldn't even feed her.

He took Kriya, who was rubbing her eyes, into his arms. "My baby is sleepy, huh?... Hmmm..wake have to wake her up then!" His voice soft.. With that he tickled her. Then he held her like an aeroplane and moved her around. Kriya started laughing. And for the next few minutes, he did many things like throwing her up in the air and catching her or becoming a horse until Kriya was fully awake and laughing. Her infectious laughter, bought a smile on my face.

Then he put her on his shoulders. He came upto me and squatted, so Kriya is at my eye level. Understanding his cue, I fed Kriya, and she ate. Then he stood up swiftly. Making Kriya laugh. This process continued till the bowl of food was over. I took Kriya into my arms, and cleaned her up.

 I took Kriya into my arms, and cleaned her up

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