9. I just want to sleep....

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I had leaned on to the wall next to Kriya's crib, thinking about the disappointment I am

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I had leaned on to the wall next to Kriya's crib, thinking about the disappointment I am. If Kirti was alive, she would have taken care of Kriya in a better way. She would have understood her daughter better. No matter how much I love Kriya, I will never be a good mother. I am such a disappointment!

While I was thinking about this, I felt a shadow loom over me. I looked up, only to see Bhairav. He stared at me for awhile, before he sat down on the floor next to me. I folded into myself, hoping to disappear. I could feel his stare. What was he looking at?

Bhairav cleared his throat, and I turned towards him, my eyes still cast downwards. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

I shook my head negatively. He nodded, sighed loudly as he got up and walked away.

After that, I decided to set my bedspread, only to notice it was missing. Where the hell has it gone? I remember keeping it on my bag. I started searching vigorously but could not find it, scared that Bhairav will be disturbed, I stopped searching. I did not want to go trouble the servants at this hour. So I took a wise decision of sleeping on the bare floor. Even if it was December and the floor was cold, I needed to adjust for a night. Tomorrow I will search for the bedsheet and blanket.

I had just slept on the floor, when I heard a stiff, " I have work. I will be walking around, I don't want you on the ground".

Bhairav had passed his verdict. I got up immediately. I looked around. I know for sure that bed is a no, no. Bhairav will never agree. That's Kirti's place. I looked around to see that there was a couch, hmm that looks comfortable. So I went ahead and lowered myself on the couch. Hm.. soft. I looked at Bhairav, seeking his permission, but he only looked enraged... Does he think that I will spoil the couch if I sleep on it?

I started fiddling my fingers not knowing what else to do. Not knowing what else to do I looked back at Bhairav, hoping he would give me a solution. He shook his head and walked to the bed, picked up the pillow and blanket, threw it towards me. "Use some sense. You catch cold, my daughter catches cold".

With that he took a sharp turn, picked up his laptop and walked out of the room and slammed the door on the way out. But he said he wanted to work here?

I sat on the couch, bent my knees, put my head in my knees, and hugged myself. Kriya is a lucky girl. Her father cares for her so much. Her family loves her so much. My father loves his family too. He cares for his children, showered them attention. Sadly, the only time he gave me attention was when he was drunk, and would hit me to take out his frustration. Drunk Fathers scare me. I looked at my Kriya, she will never have to face that. I will make sure of that.

I took the beating because, I deserved it. I destroyed a family's happiness. My mother almost broke a happy marriage. But not Kriya. Never Kriya. I will protect her no matter what. I walked to her crib, kissed her softly and went back to sleep.

THE BRIDES - meek, curt and sillyWhere stories live. Discover now