41. The Christmas party

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Eesha sat with her notebook. She had spent entire night browsing, for the ideas. Now she had so many options, she was going mad. She could just not decide. It was giving her an headache. She realised, she needed help. Hence, she called Reema and Stuti, asking them if they could meet at the pool.

"Hi, Akka," Reema waved enthusiastically, making her presence known, while Stuti just needed in acknowledgement. Eesha, who had debated about taking their help, a thousand times in her mind, had prepared her lines. "Sorry for disturbing. I needed your help. Actually, we were thinking of doing a Christmas photoshoot for Kriya. I tried planning it, but I realised I had no experience, If you guys could help me?' Eesha had to hide the sigh. She was glad she could deliver the lines, she had taken an hour to mug them up.

"Wow, Christmas party!" Reema clapped. "I always wanted to attend one".

"Are you deaf? It's Christmas photoshoot. Not a party," Stuti pointed out.

"We can make it a party," Eesha, quickly suplied.

"See? Akka, so what are your plans? Show me, Show me. I will definitely help you".

Nodding, Eesha, opened her book. Reema, was so excited about the prospect, her eyes started twinkling and her ideas going wild.

"Wow, look at this. It is so pretty. The Christmas tree, the snow!! Akka, we will definitely get this done. The floating snow flakes..uff! it will be so pretty!" she gushed

Floating snow flakes? Stuti scrunched her face in disbelief. The past few days have been difficult to her. And she did not want to participate in the stupidity. She was about to getup, when she noticed the hopeful look Eesha had. She sighed. If left to these two, they probably will not get any work done.

"And the next thing would be Santa Claus and Unicorns!" Stuti stopped their wayward thoughts. Or so, she thought!

"That is a wonderful idea!" Reema exclaimed.

"Reema, Christmas tree is okay, but snow? Think practically".

Reema pouted. Eesha's face became dull. Stuti sighed.

"Fine, we will write it down, organise our plans, and do research about how to get those things done, in the most feasible way," Stuti took charge.

And that is how the Brothers found them. Their Brides, brainstorming for the Christmas party. They decided not disturb the process and walked to their respective houses.

As, the discussion progressed, the photoshoot, turned to Christmas party, as the patriarch were roped into playing Santa Claus. After they had decided on the design, the dress code, the music, they went out on a shopping spree. The following days, the girls found themselves buying things, renting goods, finalizing technicians and decorating the party area, which they had decided will be by the pool.

They argued for everything, but it was also a much needed break from the recent emotional trauma they have been through. And when the day came, they were all very excited for the final result of their hard work

Eesha, was specially excited as she was seeing her daughter after days. Bhairav had decide that Kriya would be staying back at the main house, since Eesha would be busy.

The party was in the evening, and the Brides spent the entire day preparing for the event. Eesha found herself slaving away in the kitchen, of course with the much needed help of Pranav and Bhairav. She still remembered the conversation, she had with Bhairav about The Christmas dinner.

"Chef's Choice," he had told.

She had almost complained, he was making her decide everything, but stopped herself. What the hell were you doing Eesha? She had thought to herself. Eesha had masked her expressions well, but Bhairav did not miss the subtle scrunch in the eyebrows. He was ecstatic that she felt emotions beyond fear and anxiety. Damn! If she did not look cute!

THE BRIDES - meek, curt and sillyWhere stories live. Discover now