32. How was your day?

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"You have been sitting like that for past half an hour," Shyamalamma commented

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"You have been sitting like that for past half an hour," Shyamalamma commented.

I looked at her, straightened up and said, "I am sorry, I just.."

"Don't be sorry. I don't blame you," she smiled. "You have been acting this way since yesterday. Are you thinking about your conversation with Bhairav?" She asked.

I nodded. I have been thinking of Bhairav. I have been thinking about the conversation. He said he understands. But how can he understand? He is supposed to punish me. He is supposed to yell at me at the least.. but, what is this? Why is he not doing anything of that sort? Why is he so calm? Why is he not angry?

I wish he was angry. Anger I am used to. But this? I am not used to. I don't know how to feel about it!

"Eesha?" She brought me out of my thoughts. "What is it?" She asked.

I looked at her face, it showed motherly concern. Should I tell her? I asked myself. Should I trouble her with my problems? But what if she helps me?

"Were you thinking of Bhairav?" She asked.

I guess mothers knew everything. I nodded. "I think he is angry with me," I expressed my concern.

"You think? Why do you think so?"

"Because.." I stopped. How do I explain yesterday's situation?


"Because, I did something bad!"

Shyamalamma squeezed my hand. "Bhairav is wired little differently. His thought process is little different. He always thinks about the situation the other person is in. So it's little difficult to understand what he is thinking. But if he says he isn't angry. He isn't!" She told me.

"But .."

"You feel he is angry with you?"

"I feel he should be angry with me!" I told him.

"Well then, why don't you ask him? He is your husband, discuss with him. Ask him why he is not upset with you. Communication is key in a marriage".

Communication? I am supposed to keep away from him. Radha ma'am had told me so. I should stay away from him. Then why am I thinking about all of this. What he thinks of ne should not matter . I should just keep my distance. Also, I have disobeyed father. I came back home, when he asked me to stay. How would be very angry. I should be thinking of that. Not Bhairav. Yes. That is it.

"I can see the wheels turning. Eesha, I don't know what you are thinking. But remember one thing. Bhairav is your husband. A legal one. He is your life partner. A loyal one. I hope you understand your relationship with him well. This is not a business deal. This is a deal between two lives. It's between you and him. So don't let anyone, any advises, any orders come in between you," she suggested.

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