16. Gasped, blinked and shivered

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Shyamalamma turned to rinse the bowl

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Shyamalamma turned to rinse the bowl. "Let go Shyamalamma. I will do it". I stopped her.

"Yes, let go Shyamala. Let her remember that she is just a staff like all of us," I heard Vimalamma's very familiar voice. She was carrying Kriya.

"She is not. She is Bhairav's wife. Just like Kirti was. I would behave the exact same way I did with Kirti. I know my work Vimala".


"Eesha pales in comparison to Kirti baby," Vimalamma pointed out.


Shyamalamma merely smiled. "So be it. She may not be Kirti's equal. But still she is the Madam of the house, just by the marriage certificate she has signed. So I would respect her all the same".

It was all starting to overwhelm me. I have started realising that I am connected to Bhairav, his respect and name to mine. Whatever I do will have repercussions on Bhairav. Scary!

Just then Kriya started getting fussy. I immediately took her went back to the nursery. I played with her for a while and when she became cranky and sleepy, I put her to sleep. Now what? I have never been so free, so I didn't know what to do about it. I positioned myself in the window seat, and looked outside. The window overlooks the beautiful backyard and the swimming pool. So beautiful.

I stay seated on the window seat, not knowing the exact amount of time that has passed.

"Eesha, dear? Can I come in?" I heard Shyamalamma voice.

I opened the door immediately.

"I am so sorry dear. You didn't have your breakfast, and I did not notice, because... Anyways, why don't you have some lunch. Here, I made a plate".

I just smiled. "Why did you trouble yourself. I wasn't hungry anyways". She gave me a look and I had to take the plate.

"Did you eat?" I asked her, as I had the first bite.

"I shall.. ummm, Eesha?"


"I have a favor to ask".

"What is it Shyamalamma?"

"Well, I have a bad headache. I have finished all of my work except delivering lunch to Bhairav. Can you bring it to him?"


"Did you take medicines? Should we go to the doctor?"

"Calm down. I have taken tablets, some rest would do me good. But Bhairav..."


"I can bring it to him. But.. Kriya is sleeping..."

"Oh.. no problem. I can take care of her just fine".

"But, but aren't you unwell?"

"Oh, nonsense, it's just the traffic, horns and vehicles. They aggrievate my headache. Taking care of Kriya is fine".

THE BRIDES - meek, curt and sillyWhere stories live. Discover now