29. .....For the ordeal

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I did not answer him

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I did not answer him. I only nodded in response. I could feel Vimalamma's glares on me. I could feel the punishment, coming my way. I know I shouldn't cook today. But how do I disregard Bhairav's orders? How can I let Shyamalamma cook, when she is unwell?

So I cooked. Shyamalamma said that Bhairav really did not have any favourite food. And that I should prepare anything I like. It's really hard to agree with that statement. Everybody has favourite food. I racked my brains to remembered if Kirti ever spoke about his favourite food. But Kirti always complained about Bhairav's unhealthy eating habits.

I sighed. I did not know what to do. So, I looked into the meal prep Shyamalamma had done for the breakfast. She had cut some bendi and prepared some chapati dough. Chapathi and bendi curry it is... I thought to myself.

I prepared the food as fast as I could, and served. Bhairav smiled brightly and mumbled a 'thankyou', as I served him. I did not know what to make of his smile or his thankyou.

After his breakfast, he said, "that was delicious. Prepare some lunch too, okay?" He asked with a smile.

I looked at Vimalamma. I saw her shaking her head. She did not want me to agree. But..I have always been taking orders.

Whose orders should I follow now?

"I will be waiting," Bhairav said and walked to Kriya.

He interacted with her for few seconds and left for the office. The minute he walked out of the house, I collapsed. I am scared. I am really, really scared. I know I will be punished severely today. I wish they could show some mercy and let me get away with belt hits.

But I feel it in my guts. I will not be spared today.

Just as I had expected, father called me. "Eesha? It's been so long since I have interacted with you". He said as soon as I answered the call.

"Is that why you have forgotten the rules?" He continued. His voice became harsher.

I kept quiet. It's always less punishment if I don't talk.

"What did Radha tell you?"

"I... St..stay a.. away.."

"Exactly! Stay away from Bhairav. Is it so hard to understand? Just because you are his wife, you have started disregarding us?" He yelled.

"This won't do. This definitely won't do. You can't just remember your place can you? Should we just keep reminding you? Is that what you want? Fine! Let's deal with it your way! I am sending Archana, get ready and come to the Taj Hotel. We have a business meeting to attend". With that order he cut the call.

I shivered. The phone in my hand fell down. I collapsed as my knees went weak. 'A business meeting!' I mumbled, as I felt short of breath. I can't go to a business meeting. The partners.. the investors... I didn't like the way the looked at me. I didn't like the way they ...

THE BRIDES - meek, curt and sillyWhere stories live. Discover now