30. Time to go home

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I sat in between Raman Sir and Father

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I sat in between Raman Sir and Father. It was half way through the lunch, and Raman sir had not stopped touching me. I was trained not to show any discomfort, inspite of that, it was becoming hard for me to not flinch. 

"You are lucky because I am your father. That's the only reason you are spared until now. Are you thankful, Eesha?" Father whispered in my ear.

I nodded. I am really thankful because  father protected me.

"But.. I don't feel like sparing you today. Should I let Raman go all the way?"

My breath stopped. I stiffened. Would he change his mind if I beg him. No he would not. No matter what I do, father would never listen to me. If he wants to punish me, he would. The more I object the more severe the punishment would be. So I tried relaxing.

Raman sir put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed. His hands started creeping down my chest.

Don't close your eyes, don't loose your smile, don't flinch, don't ..


Blank! My brain went blank as soon as I heard that thundering voice.

Raman sir withdrew his hand, and I sank down, taking a huge breath.

"Bhairav?" Father called out. "What a surprise! Come join us".

I stayed put, my head hung low. I could hear him walk closer to our table.

"Gentlemen, let me introduce. My younger son-in-law, Bhairav. My Kirti's.."

"Good afternoon gentlemen. Bhairav Prajapati. Nice meeting you all. Sorry to interrupt, but can I borrow my wife, Eesha? For few minutes".

"Come on now, Bhairav. That's rude. You can join us, if you want," father said.

"I.. Eesha?" I did not react. I know I shouldn't. So I didn't. Otherwise I would be punished more severely.

I could hear him sigh. "Few minutes, Mavayya. I don't really have to ask your permission to talk my wife, really. I am actually being respectful, right?"He challenged.

Father clenched his fist.

"Whatever! You can take her".

"Eesha?" I looked at him.

He forwarded his hand, for me take. I looked at Father. He smirked, "go ahead!"

I took Bhairav's hand. He led me out of the hotel.

"Shyamalamma called me. Are you okay?"

I nodded.

He took one step closer. He put a finger under my chin, and raised my head. "I need you to speak. Are you okay?"

I gave him a well practiced smile and said, "I am good".

He stepped closer, I could feel his breath on my face. He let go of chin and held my  palm. He then gave me a smile.

THE BRIDES - meek, curt and sillyWhere stories live. Discover now