35. A king's meal- drinks, drugs and desserts

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I changed into a full sleeve anarkali, to hide the marks on my arm, before leaving the house

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I changed into a full sleeve anarkali, to hide the marks on my arm, before leaving the house. Just as I got down, I saw Dhruv. He smiled widely, "Vadina!"

I smiled back. He looked at the lunch box in his hand and said, "lunch box and all, huh?" Wriggling his eyes.

I could only put my head down.

"All okay Vadina?" He asked, his voice doubtful.

Oh No! Did I do something to give it away? Are the marks  from the whipping visible? I almost looked at my hands as a reflex action but stopped midway.

Dhruv is observing me. I should just brush it away, i thought to myself.

"I am..m fi..fine!"

Dhruv laughed. "Sure you are. Anna is taking care of you after all," he winked.

I could breathe easy. He didn't notice anything.

"Anyways Vadina, I came home to get my file," he said waving the file in his hand. "I am leaving now, I will drop you off".

Dhruv didn't give me an opportunity to refuse. He just got into the car. Why did it seem like the situation with Uma Attaya earlier this morning. I am unable to refuse the mother nor her sons.

The car ride was uneventful. Dhruv talked about random topics and I nodded most of the time, with occasional answers.

"Here you go Vadina. We will have to separate here!" He said, dramatically, as soon as we reached Bhairav's office.

I gave him a weak smile. Just before I got off, he said, "Vadina, take care of yourself okay? Because, if you are not well, Kriya and Anna would not do well, either".

That left me in shock. Wh... what? 

"Bye Vadina!" He drove off, again without giving me a chance to understand him. I sighed as I entered the office. Shreya waved at me. I gave her a weak smile. The next time I come, I should cook something for her too. I walked to Bhairav's cabin and knocked.

"Come in," I heard Bhairav's faint voice.

"I will look into it.... Yes, yes, I believe in your instinct. I will find out, Dhruv..," Bhairav stopped as he saw me. I stood there fiddling with my fingers.

"Eesha is here. I will call you back," with that he cut the call.

"Dhruv was your chauffeur?" Bhairav asked as he gave me a bright smile. He got up from his seat and walked to me. "so what's for lunch?" He asked as he rubbed his hands.

"Rice and dal," I mumbled.

"You didn't cook today?"

"I did," I answered slowly.

"And you only made rice and dal?" He asked, looking surprised.

"No. There is rasam, brinjal chutney, curd.." I was cut off with his laugh.

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