Chapter 107: Class 3.3

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The first exam venue was as different from the poor students' gathering grounds as heaven was from earth.

No students gathered to discuss cheating strategies and nobody was selling answers. The students here were all top students who used every spare minute to go through their books. Even if only one second remained, they would make the most of it and look up another two English words.

When Xie Yu pushed the door open, he was stunned for a second.

He Zhao walked in behind him.

He looked languid and indolent, and a black gel pen was stuffed carelessly in his uniform pocket. He didn't look at all like he was going to an exam.

Before he reached the classroom doorway, he leaned against the window and greeted the students in the classroom, who he didn't know. "Hi, friends."

Nobody present dared make a sound, aside from Xue Xisheng—the Class 3 study rep who sat in the sixth seat in the first column. Although his grades did not rank at the very top, they were solid and he was always among the top 10 in the year.

Xue Xisheng frowned and looked up from his English vocabulary. "Classmate He Zhao, please be quiet."

He Zhao signed back, No problem.

Xie Yu didn't have nearly as much to say. He reached behind him, caught hold of the idiot He Zhao's sleeve, and yanked.

"The exam is about to begin. Students, please put away all materials not needed for the exam—"

The announcement was replayed a few times.

Xie Yu pulled out his chair, which made a light scraping sound against the floor. He felt the girl next to him tremble before he could sit down. "......"

"Am I very scary?"

The invigilating teacher had not yet arrived. Xie Yu leaned back in his chair and whispered, "Why did she look like she'd seen a ghost?"

He Zhao followed Xie Yu's gaze and saw the girl in the next row. Not only were her hands still shaking, she seemed like she didn't even dare breathe too hard.

He Zhao thought, How could he be scary? My little friend is so cute.

But before the words left his mouth he was struck by the urge to tease him. "A little. Why don't you smile to show you're friendly?"

"I can laugh in your face."

He Zhao reached out to touch the corner of Xie Yu's mouth, about to pull his face into a friendly smile.

Xie Yu didn't know what this guy was doing. He turned his head, about to ask how many pens He Zhao had brought, but He Zhao's index finger brushed the corner of his mouth and landed squarely on his lips before he could say anything.

Both of them froze.

It wasn't a drastic movement, but the position was suggestive in an indefinable way.

The girl in the next row over was shaking even harder now. She couldn't hold her pen properly and it fell from between her fingers, clattering to the desk.

She was internally breaking down. The exam hadn't even begun and she had already snapped.

To say nothing of the fright...

Why did the two school tyrants look so... the scene should not be spoken of?

Several minutes before the exam bell, the invigilating teacher walked across the corridor carrying the exam papers.

The top students in the first exam venue were only concerned about the exam difficulty, looked only at the exam questions, and didn't care who the invigilating teacher was.

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