Chapter 94: Old Xie, are you coming?

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He Zhao was about to say something when half a stick of chalk landed perfectly on the corner of his desk.

Old Wu gave them several minutes to do the question. He thought that the question was simple and they should all have understood, but when he looked up, he saw the two worst students in the year intimately putting their heads together. "The two of you in the back, I know you're close, but could you give me your attention while you're in class? ...Am I that un-charming?"

"You're charming, you're charming." He Zhao was very obliging and raised his voice. "Old Tang is Erzhong's Aaron Kwok and you're Erzhong's Andy Lau."

Xie Yu was very impressed by He Zhao's ability to kiss ass without batting an eye.

Old Wu was on cloud nine from the praise. Amidst raucous laughter, the middle-aged man—about 18,000 li away from Aaron Kwok— lifted a hand and ran it through his hair, then calmly continued to say, "Years ago, I cut quite a popular figure in school too."

The class laughed till they couldn't sit straight.

After the racket, some of the students who had been dozing off were now much more alert. Old Wu stopped while he was ahead and told everyone to quiet down. "Did you get the answer for the question I told you to do just now?"

He had spent the class period going over a few new concepts and the in-class exercise wasn't a hard one. Xie Yu was listening with his head propped on his hand, but suddenly He Zhao reached out and tugged his collar up. "What are you doing?"

"That..." He Zhao paused, then said uncomfortably, "There's a mark."


He Zhao said, "I'll be more careful next time."

Xie Yu was about to say, 'Get lost,' but he noticed the tips of his ears were warm before the words left his mouth.

Old Wu finished going through the questions just in time for the bell.

Everyone was already staring at the timetable on the left of the board, which listed 'Gym class' next, and thought only about the coming class period.

After class let out, Old Wu was still worried about the two worst students in the year so he called both of them over. "Both of you, stay a while. Did you understand the questions I went over in class?"

The question wasn't difficult, so Xie Yu said thoughtfully, "I understood."

He Zhao said, "Me too."

Old Wu didn't believe it at all. "Did you understand?!"

"I already told you. If you don't understand, don't pretend you do. Don't think that I don't know your next class period is gym and you just want to go down to the court and play, right?"

"No, I really..."

Old Wu mercilessly cut them off. "I know all your little tricks. I'm going to go over this question again with you."

Xie Yu: "......"

He Zhao: "......"

Once Old Wu explained the question and left, Luo Wenqiang picked up where he left off during the last break and started blustering again. "Anyone have any thoughts? Anyone else want to join?"

Liu Cunhao and the others already regularly teamed up, but for a real competition Luo Wenqiang was trying his utmost to win a prize for their class. Luo Wenqiang continued, hinting, "This is what I think. If Yu-ge can play support and Zhao-ge plays a bit more sincerely with a few less tricks, our class should make it to the finals."

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