T H E G E O R G I A 2

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"HE BROUGHT YOU to a spa? Even after all the horrible things he said?" Leticia asked. I nodded. The night before, we'd spent hours talking and laughing in her rooms after finishing two bottles of sweet wine. We'd woken up with the grueling sickness one recieves after too much drink,  which had only dissipated after a stomach-turning concoction. Now we were savusauna, exchanging stories about our respective husbands. I told her about my marriage to Matthew in it's entirety, include the most recent events that led up to yesterday. "That's interesting."

"I want to be done with this, Leticia. He should just divorce me and be done with it."

"Mmm," Leticia murmured.

"What?" I asked.

"It's nothing."

"Tell me," I demanded.
"You're not going to like what I have to say," Leticia warned.

"All the more reason you should say it."

My new friend paused a few moments before responding. "He cares about you, Rose."

I let out an ugly laugh. "He does not."

"He does," Leticia insisted. "His actions speak to it."

My eyes widened in shock. "His actions? Have you been listening to word I've said?"

"I told you wouldn't want to hear it."

"No tell me. Tell me how any of his actions remotely speak of affection towards me."

"He could've taken you to an asylum and been rid of you, and he did not. Matthew could've tossed you on the side of road, as you colorfully insisted upon, but he did not. He could've divorced you and left you at the mercy of your family, he refused to do that too."

"That's not because he cares! It's because he feels guilty. He knows that if he does any of those things to me, it'll weigh on him."

"He also could've bought a small cottage in the countryside and supplied you with a meager annual allowance," Leticia said sagely. "A cottage on the outskirts of the kingdom where your family wouldn't think to look. That would be guilt. That would be an easy way to alleviate one's conscience."

"That proves nothing," I rebutted. "The idea probably hasn't even occurred to him yet."

"And he leave you at The Georgia," Leticia continued, as if I had not spoke. "He could've left you at any inn of moderate or even ill repute. But, instead, your husband selects the most luxurious spa in country." She shook her head at me. "Do you have any idea how surprised I was when you told me your husband dumped you off here out of anger? Trust me, you're the only woman here who is not on holiday."

"You must have no idea what lengths some men go to to appease their guilt," I muttered. I remember my father taking me to the most expensive dressmaker after he burned me like it was yesterday.

"Look, I'm not saying that Matthew is a good man—he's not. I'm not saying everything he's done to you isn't exceptionally cruel—it is. I don't even think your husband himself knows the motive behind his actions or the regard he has for you. But I do believe he cares."

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