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I STOOD IN SHOCK FOR a few moments before I snapped into action.

My husband, who'd appeared from literal thin air, was engaged in a brawl with Cleveland. "Stop it!" I yelled. The two men continued as if I had not spoken. "Matthew stop!" He was the one who drew the first blow after all. I threw my arms around the waist of my husband and tried to pull him away with all the strength I had. He didn't move an inch.

"Stop it, Rose," he growled.

"I will not."

Cleveland disengaged from Matthew once he saw I was a potential victim of his blows, but his fists were still clenched at his side. He looked livid. "Your husband is a madman!" he barked.

"And you are cad!" Matthew yelled back.

"What on earth are you talking about?" we yelled unison.

"You were going to touch her without consent!" Matthew spat.

My mind flashed to a few moments before when Cleveland had been dangerously close to me. He might've tried to kiss me, in all honesty, but I doubted he would've pinned me against the hedges against my will.

"I would never touch a woman without permission." Cleveland grimaced in disgust. "What kind of man do you think I am?"

"A man who tried to touch my wife." Matthew's voice quaked with anger. "Release me, Rose."

"Lord Cleveland, do go inside," I ordered.

"If this man wants to fight, I'll fight. I'm not—"

"Go inside!" My exclamation was so loud I was sure the other guests could hear me in the ballroom. Cleveland glowered at the both of us before turning to walk back to the Palace. Matthew made an effort to leap after him, but I dug my nails into him with the ferociousness of a cat until Cleveland was a ways away.

"You can let go of me," Matthew coldly announced after a few moments. "He's gone."

I reluctantly released him, and to my relief, he did not run to the ballroom. I noticed a nasty purple bruise on his cheek. Without thinking, I reached out to touch it. Matthew took a step back.

"Do not touch me." His voice made me want to shrink.

"Matthew, I replied steadily, you're injured. It'll do no you no harm to let me look at it."

"Do not touch me!" Matthew snarled. "Don't ever touch me, Rose. Especially when you're going to stand there and defend him."

"I did not defend him."

"You acted surprised when I said he was going to touch you!"

I couldn't meet my husband's eyes. "He wouldn't have taken liberties."

"He wouldn't have..." Matthew stopped, his eyes wide in incredulity. Then he threw back his head and laughed. The sound sent a shiver down my spine. "Oh I see."


"That was the plan, wasn't it? Introduce yourself to dukes and princes that might want to marry you after we divorce. What better way to do that than let them sample their prize in the privacy of the gardens?"

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