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A/N: It's been years since I touched this account and this story. I'm so excited to finish it


I WAS CURIOUS BUT unconcerned. I was willing to bet money that the scream was sourced from one of my aunts, most likely over something petty. Matthew, on the other hand, was not. He sprinted towards the house. The interest I felt toward learning who had screamed prevailed against my nonchalance. So, I followed him (in a walk of course). Victoria was sitting splay legged in the middle of drawing room, tears streaming down her face. "Matthew," she whispered pitifully.

Matthew rushed to her side and crouched down to face her. "What's wrong Victoria? Why did you scream?"

The witch gave me the briefest glance before turning to Matthew. "The baby," she hiccuped. "It hurts so bad Matthew...I'm afraid I might lose it."

"Doctor," Matthew bellowed. "I need a doctor driven her this instant!"

One of the many servants scurried to where we were. "Dr. Farmington only lives a short while away. I'll go fetch him.

"Hurry up!" Matthew screamed. He was already red in the face. "Is there any bleeding Victoria? How's the pain?"

"Intense," she whimpered. "I don't know if I'm bleeding I...." Victoria trailed off to swipe a crocodile tear. Then she looked directly at me. "You could at least apologize. This wouldn't be happening if not for you."

Matthew whipped his head so quick at me I thought it would snap. "What the hell did you do?" He rose to his feet and leaned in so close I could smell his breath. "What the hell did you to my child?"

I tried to remain calm in the face of his yelling. The closeness...the anger... It was reminding me too much of my father. "I didn't do anything. I haven't done anything to her. It's quite the contrary actually."

Victoria's lip wobbled. "Just apologize. If you'd never...if you'd never said what you said I wouldn't have been so stressed. So..worried."

Matthew light blue eyes were an inky, dark blue. "What did you say to her? What. Did. You. Say. To. Her?"

"I didn't say anything Matthew, I swear it. She's lying."

"Why would I lie, Rose? What on Earth would provoke me to lie?" Victoria cried. God, I hated her. I directed my eyes to meet her gaze but Matthew snapped his fingers.

"Don't you dare look at her, look at me. What did you say to the mother of my child? What did you say to my future wife?"

"I didn't say anything! I swear it!"

Victoria took a sharp intake of breath. "Don't make me tell him. He'll never forgive you if I tell him."

"There's is absolutely nothing to tell," I said lowly. I was becoming so angry I didn't trust myself to form real words. This couldn't be happening. Just when Matthew and I were coming to some sort of understanding...a sort of truce. What the devil was her plan anyway?

Victoria cradled her stomach. "I keep them tucked away in the woods. I've been with men before, controlling men. Men who have threatened my family. I couldn't take that chance with my parents. They deserved safety and security."

My eyes widened. So this was what she had planned. "Matthew you don't have all the facts. Let us call on Frances Dubois before you listen to her."

He laughed sardonically. "I thought you swore you said nothing?"

"Yes but—"

"—she threatened the lives of my parents," Victoria cut off. "She said that if I didn't disappear and..and take my bastard child with me, she'd have that little butler slit their throats." Matthew turned to look at her before staring back at me.

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