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"I HAVEN'T TOLD YOU ABOUT THE TERMS OF THE DIVORCE," Matthew said in the carriage.

We hadn't spoken a word to each other during breakfast or when we bade goodbye to Mary and Archie. Until he uttered those words, my head was rested against the wall of my seat and my eyes were closed. I reluctantly opened them.

"It'll be in the contract right?"

"It will," he admitted. "But...I owe you an explanation in person."

A wave of anxiety washed over me. "How bad is it for me?"

"It's not awful. It's just that the only way I can dissolve your marriage and keep your family away from you is to leave you with virtually nothing."

I smiled bitterly. "Of course you do."

"It's only till you turn twenty-one. After that, you can manage your own finances without intervention," he said quickly.

"So, I'm assuming I can't keep Ludlow?"

"It'll be yours on your twenty-first birthday," Matthew said assuredly.

I closed my eyes again, overwhelmed by the unwelcome information. "Where am I supposed to live?" I asked quietly.

"I'll give you enough money for a small establishment somewhere in the country. You'll only have enough money for necessities but—"

"—It's fine," I cut off, not wanting him to finish. "As long as I'm not forced to live with my family, it's fine."

"Rose." His tone had a tender, mournful note that made me feel even worse. "I'll make sure you're taken care of."

"By my twenty-first birthday. You've said that."

"If you really need money, all you have to do is write. I won't have you suffer."

I would be damned if I wrote Matthew letters pleading for coin once we divorced. It would be just my luck to have Victoria fall upon the missives instead, laugh over my misfortune, and promptly burn them. "Alright," I answered tiredly. "Is that all?" Please be all, I thought.


We were silent the rest of the way to Ludlow. When we finally reached our destination, I found that I couldn't wait to get out.

"Goodbye Rose," Matthew said, his voice was tinged with sorrow. I spared him a forced smile before I exited the carriage and then walked away without a second glance.


The only thing Matthew wanted to do was drink. Unfortunately enough for him, it was midday and even the most disreputable establishments only opened their doors when the sun sank. He couldn't go home and nurse his thirst with his own spirits because his mistress was home. The thought of returning to her didn't make him sick anymore, it made him want to put a revolver to his head. If he returned home in his current mood, it would be a disaster. So, he waited patiently at the door of his favorite tavern until it was open, and welcomed the soothing bite of tall, golden cups. He returned to Whitfield mansion drunk beyond words at the ungodliest hour.

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