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"THAT IS HER UNCLE," Matthew said softly. "How do you know him?"

"He wrote a letter here a couple weeks back," Archie responded casually.

Matthew couldn't help feeling annoyed at his step-father's nonchalance. "What did he say?"

"It said he would greatly appreciate it if we would expedite the dissolve of your marriage. Apparently you're a callous man who has caused his niece much heartache."

Matthew tensed at the epithet, particularly because it wasn't  a lie. Rose's uncle was clearly trying to ensure her divorce was successful. That could only mean he stood to gain from it. Probably, financially, Maybe even sadistically. "Why didn't my mother tell me about the letter?" Matthew asked, shifting the conversation topic.

"She didn't read it. Once she saw the name 'Axel' she threw the letter out. It was I who read it."

"And you didn't tell her?"

"She didn't want to know." Archie smiled. "Your mother is very stubborn."

"So she is," Matthew muttered. As if on cue, his wife and mother entered the dining room. Their dresses were covered in mud. "What on earth happened?"

Rose smiled. It looked thin. "We picked flowers."

"These are some of the prettiest petunias I've ever seen," Mary added, depositing in the flowers in a nearby vase. "How were you boys getting on?"

"Splendidly," Matthew said. "Is there a reason you had to speak with the two of us separately?"

Mary shook her head at her son. "You act as if we executed something sneaky on purpose, son."

Matthew shrugged. "Didn't you?" His gaze flitted to his wife. Unfortunately, her countenance betrayed nothing.

"I'm not scared of a young couple," Mary stated breezily. "If I had something pertinent to ask, I wouldn't need tricks." Her eyes settled on the tumbler on the table. "Why are the two of you drinking spirits so early in the morning? Have you no shame?"

Matthew raised his arms in defense. "You've taught me better than that, Mother. It's your husband who enjoys whiskey in the early hours."

Mary walked over to her husband and swatted him on the head. "What is wrong with you? How many times do I have to tell you to stop drinking in the morning?"The lord and lady began to bicker, ignoring the other couple in the room. Matthew looked over at his wife, who looked like she was trying her best to swallow a smile. He got up from the table to join her side.

"It's like we're not even here," Rose whispered.

"I know. If it were me, my mother would've already called me rude ten times over. But now that it's her..." Matthew trailed off.

"It's always different when it's you. When you're the one arguing with your husband or wife..." Rose paused to briefly glance at her husband. "The rest of the world falls away."

"The world doesn't fall away when you argue with the person you love." Matthew recalled their  confrontation when she'd asked him to leave her alone. "It quakes." Matthew watched her eyebrows crease in confusion through her veil. The simple reflex made his heart jump.

"Not all arguments are heart-wrenching. Sometimes it's just...lively conversation. A kind-hearted jab to chest." Rose jutted her chin toward the progressing row. "You've never argued like that with Victoria before?"

"No." Any heated words exchanged between the two of them always exploded into chaos. "Never."

"Hmm." Rose avoided his eye. "Everyone is different."

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