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KNOW HER PLACE, Matthew thought angrily as he angrily he washed away the stink of the previous day.

Victoria uttered that sentence so easily, as if she weren't currently a mistress herself. After that statement, she'd left their rooms, leaving him to stare after her in amazement. Matthew had sat on his bed and stewed for a few minutes, before finally deciding on a bath. His mind was already whirring with plans for the future.

Victoria could be his wife if she liked, but their romance was over as far as he was concerned. He'd move her to the other side of the mansion as soon as their child reached the appropriate age. She'd actually tried to kill Rose. Why had he ever ignored that?

Matthew descended the steps to the kitchen after his bath with a frightful disposition, but slightly calmed nerves. Bert approached him once he was at the bottom of the staircase. "Sir, are you planning on seeing Mr. Crawford now or should I send him anyway?"

"Mr. Crawford?" Matthew was temporarily caught off guard before a wave of anger washed over him. "Victoria shouldn't sent him away."

"She did not, sir."

Of course she didn't. And, to dismiss Crawford after waiting for an hour would be the epitome of rudeness. "I'll see him now."

Matthew entered the drawing room with brisk, cordiality. "I'm sorry for the delay, Crawford. I've had quite the morning."

"It's no problem, sir," the solicitor replied.

"What brings you here today?"

"The divorce contract is ready, Mr. Whitfield. It now only requires the signature of you when your wife."

Matthew tensed. "Ready so soon? I thought it would be done by the end of the week."

"By the end of the week," Crawford echoed. "I finished it early, sir." The solicitor regarded his client carefully. "I can assure you that it's not rushed, if that's your concern." He produced a sheaf of papers from a black bag.

Mathew dismissively waved his hand. He did not want to read it. He didn't even want to touch it. "I trust you implicitly, Crawford. I just...I didn't think it would be ready so soon."

The solicitor nodded understandingly. "I can come back later in the week if you like, sir."

Matthew looked at the papers and wondered if he should prolong the inevitable. "No, good man. Give me the paper I need to sign."

Crawford produced a paper from the stack and handed it to Matthew. Matthew quickly signed the contract before handing it back to his solicitor. "I'll make sure to send it to your wife. She stays at Ludlow House, correct?"

Matthew felt a swell of panic. "No, don't sent it to her," he said quickly. There was an uncomfortable pause. "Not..yet. Give it a day, at least."

"Of course, sir. I'll send it tomorrow."

Matthew extended a hand. "Thank you."

His solicitor shook it. "You're welcome, sir."

Matthew shook it and bade him goodbye. No sooner had Mr. Crawford left did Bert enter the room to announce another guest.

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