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   A/N: Yeah I know. It's been a while. School has really, really taken a toll, and I seriously considered discontinuing the book due to my inability to commit. But, I've read all the comments and messages and you guys really love this (surprisingly) so I'm going to give it a shot. PLEASE note that this isn't long at all. This is more of a reminder to myself to start what I finished. But they will be more by Wednesday. And if I don't adhere to this, DO NOT be afraid to hold me to this. That's why I'm writing again in the first place. Btw, it's unedited.

Now, without further ado, enjoy!


"That's none of your business," I snapped. She tilted her head, her eyes green with a dangerous glint.

  "On the contrary. It's every bit my business." I kept my eyes sharp on the envelope. I could distract her, get it away from her. She tossed the envelope to me. I opened it.

"Where's the letter?" I shrieked after I took a mere glance at white emptiness. She smirked.

"In the hearth." I saw red.

"Tell me why you must squash my happiness! Who I choose to talk to, to be happy with, has nothing to do with you! If anything, it secures your place with Matthew. So, why? Why would you squander the only ray of light I have?" I was in tears. My voice was quaking.

"Men are funny creatures. One's that act on passion, and kindness, and anger more unpredictably than women. But more swiftly. More, shall we say, aggressively. You're an ogre, there's no doubt. But...men are more sensitive about their egos, their self-esteem, their precious bravado's, than women are. And to see you with another man...that might...confuse Matthew. Damage him. Make him think another thing," Victoria answered slowly.

I blinked outrageously. "You don't want me to speak to another man because you're afraid that Matthew will become...jealous? Of me?"

My place isn't secure, she answered coldly, unless you're dead." I stared. So she cared no longer if her plot was either out in the open or cloaked in the shadows. She meant to kill me, and she didn't care if I knew are not.

That was the type of threat she perceived me as. A non-existent one. The wheels of my brain whirred in thought. And then it hit me.

Try it, I hissed through my teeth, just try it. If you confiscate any of my letters, or hurt me or Eric, I'll make sure that father you favor so much and your mother die and rot in their little cabin." Victoria turned white.

After a few moments she muttered,

"I'm not. I have everything arranged say something ever occur. And I'm not afraid either," I replied. What scared me was that I was only half-lying. A part of me was very ready to kill her parents. And as I started into Victoria's eyes, expectant on a response, I realized something.

She was a monster.


But we shared something in common as of today.

We were both devils.

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