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"I CARE ABOUT you Rose. For what it's worth, for everything I've put you through, I care about you," he finished helplessly. I gave a mock appreciative sigh.

"Ah, yes, a husband who cares for his wife. I must be the luckiest woman in the world," I remarked. Sarcastically, of course. He looked me over, with due lack of words. He opened his mouth, then closed it. There was nothing Matthew could possibly say. We both understood that at least.

"Goodnight. I do hope that you have...have a good night," he fumbled. Then he left. I felt anger wash over me. Rather large in it's extremity. I sat, rather collapsed, by the rose bushes, thoroughly defeated.

Tears ran down my cheeks. Hopeless, full of anger and desolation. This went on for a full hour or so until I heard a voice inside me scream.

Oh for the love of God Rose, this isn't going to do anything! This isn't getting you anywhere!

I sniffed rather pathetically, as the thought dawned upon me. I was waiting out the divorce, that was the only thing keeping me here. However, this situation was slowly proving to be the most turbulent and emotionally draining time I had ever endured throughout my entire marriage. My sad, broken, pathetic marriage.

Was I, truly, going to let these four years I had withstood wed to Matthew Whitfield amount to nothing? Let nothing come of the most ridiculously insulting relationship I was sure couldn't be heard of in any other part of the kingdom.

For the first time, I felt an emotion that had never descend upon me take hold of my heart.


The plans of murder was unlikely to be carried out, as the divorce proceedings would occur before she ever came close to delivering that child of her's. On another hand, Victoria was capable of anything. Better she marry a widow than a divorced man. The dissolving of marriages still held scorn, at least in the upper class. Especially as she was playing a merry game with Hector. Between her legs. God knows why.

I would oust her. That demon-hearted bitch. I would reveal her truest colors before taking leave, with Matthew in absolute mortification. It was the ultimate revenge against every one of my horrible relatives too, as I would make sure to turn the news to a sweet scandal. How the kingdom loved gossip.

Indeed, the news would introduce a special shame onto the Axel name, Matthew, and their precious unborn child. Then, and it was only then, I would disappear into thin air. Maybe sell the jewels Matthew bestowed upon Victoria, along with my own, out of spite. I would disown the then-shunned Axel name, and start from a humble beginning in the country. Adopt a few children.

Be happy. Although segments of this plan had been formulated already, it was only now I saw a clean polished picture. Vengeance and happiness.


I brushed eagerly at my tears, and rose with a new air of confidence. I rushed to my chambers, my lips spread so widely I thought my face would crack. I would begin the sketch of my scheme.



1. Spy on the activities of my beloved Uncle. Unearth any evidence to indicate that he is or was sharing an affair with Victoria. And why.

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