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"WE SHOULD HAVE them wed here," Matthew announced.

I gave a brief burst of amused laughter. And then I shook my head as Matthew remained silent. "Oh my god. You're serious."

"I am. We should host their wedding tomorrow."

What was this husband of mine thinking? What could possibly motivate him to suggest something like that? "Matthew, we cannot. I'm positive they'd like to be married on their own."

"You saw how young that girl was, she can't be more seventeen. I know for a fact her betrothed must be just as young, or her parents wouldn't have objected to the marriage. Why else would a kitchen maid's parents object to their daughter being wed to a house boy? Which means they're young, without parental support, and without money. Do you really think they can afford a wedding?"

I couldn't argue with that train of logic. They were undoubtedly without much means. "They probably weren't looking for a big wedding anyway. Just a chapel and a license," I rebutted.

"All of which costs a pretty penny," Matthew pointed out.

"I'm sure they have that figured out, Matthew. If they wanted to get married for this long and all that stood in the way was the dowry, then I'm sure they've saved up money for a license."

Matthew's eyes twinkled. "Are you telling me all this girl deserves is a meager ceremony and slip of paper?"

I rolled my eyes. "Dont pretended you care about this girl. All you want to do is annoy your mother."

"I never claimed my intentions were anything but. We can't all be as kind-hearted as you. Still, it doesn't make my case any less true."

My husband was wrong. My motivation had not been driven simply out of a kind heart. When I looked at Jade, a girl of seventeen on the cusp of marriage, I saw myself. I saw the scared, sixteen-year old girl  squeezed into a dress and thrust in the arms of an unloving stranger. I had had pomp, ceremony, and riches but no love. She had love and no money. Why hadn't I deserved a love marriage? Why didn't she deserve some money? So, even though I should completely dismiss the idea of offering another kindness to the young pair, I couldn't make myself do it. Instead, I stayed silent.

"She won't be your mother-in-law for much longer, you know. You won't have to suffer the consequences of this good deed," Matthew went on.

I stayed quiet a little longer, pretending to weigh my options as if I had not already been persuaded. "Fine. We'll call the couple and ask them if they'd like us to sponsor their wedding. If they want, we arrange a discrete ceremony. If not..."

"Done," Matthew said. "I'll go get them." Within a few short minutes, he arrived with Tommy and Jade in tow. How he'd located two servants and brought them here with little notice was beyond my imagination. Jade looked incredibly nervous. Tommy looked incredibly suspicious.

"Hello," I said warmly. "I'm sure my husband told you why we wanted to see you."

"Actually, Tommy said in a thick country accent, he didn't say a word."

My eyes skirted briefly to Matthew before landing back on the pair. "This morning Lady Thomas offered to pay Jade's dowry so the two of you can get married."

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