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MATTHEW RODE AS FAST AS he could toward Whitfield mansion.

He couldn't contain his excitement to get rid of her. When he finally entered the door, Victoria was waiting for him.

"Are you going to be staying out of the house every night?" Victoria asked.

"No, I'm going to stay by my wife side."

Victoria smiled lightly. "You've had a sudden change of heart? I thought you were upset with me."

"Upset doesn't even begin to cover it. I've never despised someone more in my life."

Victoria's smile fell. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I hate you, Victoria. I hate you."

"You cannot stay married to her. I thought I made myself very clear."

Matthew smiled coldly. "Four months."

"I'm sorry?"

"You're four months along. Four months ago, I was gone for two for fortnights to arrange a business deal. And yet, somehow, you fell pregnant."

"I'm three months pregnant, Matthew. Whoever fed you this lie is wrong!"

"Really?" Matthew asked. Interestingly enough, he read no alarm in Victoria's eyes. He wondered how much longer she would hold onto the lie.

"Really. Who told you this? Was it your mother or Axel?"


There it was, Matthew observed. The slightest trace of fear. "I know it must be every convenient to believe the woman you no longer love does not carry your child. But I can assure you, that is not the case."

"Even when it comes from your doctor's own lips?"

Victoria shrugged, but the fear was growing. "Your mother probably paid him to say that."

"She did, actually. She paid him to talk to me."

"See?" Victoria gestured desperately. "It's all a ruse to get you to abandon me."

"Apparently, the father might be Hector Axel."

Nervous laughter bubbled from Victoria's lips. "That's ridiculous."

"Is it?"

"Yes, Matthew, this whole thing is bloody ridiculous."

"There's only one person who could truly confirm if you had guests in the house during my absence."

Victoria immediately understood. "That butler was always too comfortable with your wife."

"But he's a butler. Their main role is to be discrete and loyal. He would never lie," Matthew pointed out. He rang the bell, and Bert soon materialized.  "I have a question about Victoria."

Bert's face remained expressionless. "Yes, Sir?"

"About four months ago when I was away on business,  she apparently fell pregnant. Were there any male visitors in my home during that time?"

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