T H E G E O R G I A 3

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A/N: Leticia is one of my favorite characters so far, she's so much fun. Whose your favorite and least favorite?


THERE WAS A LOUD knock on my door. "Go away," I snapped.

"It's Leticia," said the voice behind the door. I was silent for a moment. "Do let me in. I have your favorite drink." I didn't really want company, but I desperately needed a drink.

"Come in," I said. Leticia entered. She was wearing a wonderful sheer ice-blue gown and her tight brown coils were gathered in a tidy bun at the nape of her neck. She looked rather fetching. I wondered if she was going to see someone. I held out my hand for her flask and took three generous gulps for handing it back. 

"Goodness," Leticia said. "Are you alright?"


"You're still in nothing but a towel even though we are at the sauvusauna hours ago. And you practically just emptied my flask."

"I'm alright," I replied. We both knew that was a lie, but Leticia relented. I clearly didn't want to talk about it. "You've never told me the name of your lover."

"His name is Byron," Leticia said dreamily.

"Byron," I repeated. The name sounded so familiar  all of a sudden, which was strange. I didn't know any Byron's. "Is he coming to visit you today?"

Leticia grinned. "How did you guess?"

"Your dress is a little daring. But it's absolutely devastating."

"It is," Leticia agreed. "He loves me in blue." She fetched a slip of paper from her satchel and gave it to me.

I've heard that you're staying at The Georgia. I shall ride there and meet you tonight, Lettie. Wait for me.

All my love,

Byron. Lettie. It suddenly clicked into place. I gasped. I remember Elisabeth and I reading a gossip rag weeks ago about how the Earl of Gloucester was having an affair with...

"Princess Lettie," I exclaimed. Leticia rolled her eyes, as if she'd been caught red-handed telling a lie. "You're Princess Lettie," I repeated breathlessly.

"I preferred Leticia," my royal friend replied.

I suddenly sat up. I didn't know if I should curtsy or laugh. "Your husband is the Crown Prince," I breathed.

"Yes he is," Leticia said wistfully.

"And the Earl of Gloucester is Byron. And you're having an affair with..." I clapped my hands over my mouth. "You snuck your lover into the palace?"

"Of course," Leticia said. She seemed bored of the conversation. "I said so earlier didn't I?"

I burst into a peal of shocked laughter. This woman had stones. I had to admire her for it. I'd never met
anyone like her before. "Do you still want me to call you Leticia?"

"I just said I didn't I?"

"Well you don't have to be rude," I replied brightly. This was a wonderful distraction from thinking about Matthew's kiss. "Wasn't the Earl of Gloucester the Crown Prince's best friend?" I couldn't resist asking.

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