Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Well, this is an interesting development. I've never seen Wyatt take control like this before. Maybe he's a little freaked out because of the storm. Maybe Hunter is pushing his buttons again. Whatever it is, he got what he wanted. Hunter is sitting curled up with him and doing exactly what he wants.

Go Wy!

Riley is doing the same thing with me. She's a nervous flyer as it is. This jumpy bumpy ride isn't easing her mind. She's squeezing the shit out of my hand, I've got needles in my fingers. It's a good thing I'm not playing right now. I've lost feeling in my hand.

I've got another eight weeks of intense therapy before I can even think about trying to throw a ball. Even on this vacation, I'll be zoom-meeting with Jake to work on my therapy every morning. I'm not going to have any setbacks with my recovery. I got a contract, I've got a chance to be better than Blake in the league. I'm not wasting it.

We drop again and the girls panic again. If Riley gets any closer to me, she'll be sitting in my lap. The cabin shimmies and the lights flicker around us. I've never seen a storm this bad. Maybe we should have waited another day to leave.

Riley threads her arms around mine, burying her face into the crook of my neck. Feeling the tears drip onto my skin, I know this is too much for her.

"We're going to be okay, baby. I promise. We've got the best pilot flying. We're going to be fine. It's just a bad storm outside but we'll get through it." Talking slow and easy, I keep a light tone in my voice. Even if I'm worried about the flight myself, I won't show Riley that.

Wyatt has the right idea. We have to remain calm. The girls are freaking out, not that I blame them, but they need us to take care of them. Wyatt has a level head on his shoulders. He's a good leader, smart and calm. If Hunter would ever open her eyes, she'd see he's infatuated with her.

But Hunter has some confidence issues when it comes to guys. She's been used a lot by men, and women, trying to get to us. She doesn't trust anyone outside the family easily. Even Wyatt. He's been a part of the family for years but he's one of my friends and Hunter doesn't believe he's not going to use her like so many others have.

I don't blame her. I just wish it wouldn't happen to her. I feel responsible for her lack of trust. I am responsible in a way but I've tried to make it up to her. She's a sister to me, she's my family. I'll always be here for her. And I'll try to take care of her as best I can.

Right now, Hunter is in good hands. I need to focus on Riley. We've got this wall between us lately and I'm really hoping to knock it down on this trip. It's taken me a long time to grow up enough to know what I want. More than just parties, football and getting laid. I know I want Riley for the End Game.

The first step with her is getting this block between us out of the way. The second is finding us a decent house in Arizona. I'm going to be moving there. I have a feeling Riley isn't going back to school. Whatever she chooses, I'll be with her. I don't care where we live as long as we're together.

"Aiden, are you sure this is normal? It doesn't feel normal." Riley whispers, clinging to my side.

"I'm sure, we're going to be fine." Trying to assure her isn't easy when I could use a little assurance myself. "What's the first thing you're going to do when we land?"

Riley looks up with a pensive expression on her face. Her eyes are big deep pools of fear. She's completely serious. "Kiss the ground."

Grinning at her somber statement, I release her hand and wrap my arms around her. Kissing the side of her head, I chuckle.

Sliding into Home - The Bradford Series Book Two Where stories live. Discover now