Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


I want to get off this plane. I've never felt so damn uncomfortable in my life. Everything was going along just hunky dory this morning. We had an amazing breakfast, thanks to Emma. We packed up the last minute shit and loaded everything into the plane. Every time I got an extra second, I tried to talk to Hunter. But every time, I got pulled in the opposite direction by Blake, by Aiden, even Chelsea was needing my help.

It's not like I could tell any of them no either. I'm doing my damnedest to get back into the man's good graces. I have to do what I can to do just that. But he's not even letting me get a look at Hunter, much less touch her. I wanted to pull her aside so we can establish what we are now. I really thought I'd get a few minutes alone with her. But no such luck.

How am I supposed to know what she wants from me, when I can't get any time alone with her to talk about what happens next?

Realizing that circumstances, being what they are with the guy who busted in on our little party island, and the parent's sudden rush to get to us, I should have known they would want us gone as quickly as possible. No one wanted anyone else getting hurt. I'm just glad Colby wasn't hurt anymore than she was. It could have been so much worse.

So, I figured I'd have time on the flight home. It's a long damn flight. I managed to slip on board right behind Hunter, and escaped Blake hawk-like eyes for a brief moment, and pulled Hunter into the first open couch seats. No single chairs for us this time. I'm going to get the answer I need.

Then the parents surrounded us. I swear Blake knows exactly what he's doing to me. The guy keeps giving me a look that says I won't be getting a chance to be alone with Hunter again for a while. What better way of making sure of just that, then to send in the back up. That's why Emma and Chelsea have picked seats directly in front of us.

This is going to be a really fucking long flight!

Longer for me, with Blake, who knows I've been mooning over his baby girl, is watching every move I make as well as every other adult in the cabin. Blake hasn't even blinked. I'm seriously freaking out, thinking he might not be as cool about Hunter and me as I thought. And now I'm stuck in the worst nightmare of a conversation. It's belittling for any respectable man to have to sit through this. Stuck in the window seat, next to Hunter, I rest my temple against the cool glass. Listening with only half of my attention, while her Mom and Chelsea talk fashion and shopping with Hunter.

I should have sat with Sawyer.

"I need to get some more things for the holiday trip this year." Hunter tells Emma. "Are we still doing Christmas in New York? Wyatt, you should see if your family can join us. Christmas in New York is amazing!"

"I can ask." I answer with less enthusiasm than she has, hoping maybe I can get the conversation out of clothes and fashion shows to maybe catching a basketball game with the guys. "You know, I haven't really been there during the holidays. Maybe we could do some ice skating or catch a game..."

"Oh! That's perfect! Mom! I need new skates! My blades broke last time I used them. I can't show Wyatt all the fun stuff without having the equipment. If we're going to be there then I want some serious shopping time. Maybe I can just get all my gifts when I get there instead of lugging them on the plane." Wrapped up in her excitement, Hunter doesn't even acknowledge me. "Do you think it's still on?"

Emma smiles at me, like she knows Hunter didn't hear a word I said. Chelsea gives me a look of sympathy as the dynamic shopping duo keeps right on going without missing a beat.

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