Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


This family is full of a bunch of cry babies. Every single one of them has to bitch and complain about their lives. Poor Aiden, his daddy didn't love him enough or want him, whatever, obviously it's both since they stopped having kids after they had him. If he was my kid, I'd have stopped at him too. Fucking primadonna!

His dad is no better. Adam has to be a bigger asshole than my old man. At least my dad hasn't rubbed his affairs in Mom's face. And I know he's had some. His bastard is proof of that. Oh, I know he says that she's from before they got together, but seriously her age and when my parents moved to New York are way too close. I don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth anymore.

And Mom puts up with his shit. I know she loves him but really, the bullshit he spews, I'd have walked out on him years ago. He thinks he's all that and a bag of chips. He's nothing but a womanizing bastard! Just like Adam Bradford is!

Of course, I don't blame Adam for looking elsewhere, sex with Chloe can't be all that great, if the guy was skipping out. That would tell me something. Adam got bored with the old lady at home and went looking for something spicier. Not that I blame him. Chloe is too mom-ish for me.

I prefer sassy, a little fire, a lot of heat. I bet Hunter has some fire. I know she's got sass. It's too bad she goes for the goodie two shoes type. That just spells B-O-R-I-N-G to me. She could use some heat in her life. Loosen her right up!

Chuckling to myself as I imagine what I'd do to the little sprite, I watch the group chatting around the fire. Boring, all of them. Not my thing. Might as well join hands and start singing Kumbaya. Seriously, is this what they consider fun? Where's the booze? Where's the women? No wonder I don't fit in here.

Watching little Colby get up and hurry towards the trail, I decide it's time for me to make my own fun. These girls get scared so easily. It's not going to take much for her to piss her pants. And I'll be laughing my ass off.

Stopping as soon as I see Ash go after, I wait to see if I'm going to get another steamy video. He's got the hots for her. I've seen the way he looks at her and Hunter. From what I heard earlier, he even got with the dead chick. He is more of a douche than I am! I bet he knows how to party.

Not that he'll do any of it here. His act is good. I'll give him that. Ash plays along with the Bradford rules when he has to, but obviously he doesn't respect them. That's why he banged and knocked up the oldest. The good old 'wham bam thank you ma'am'. She understood what that was. That's why she refused to tell daddy who the father is. Ash is beneath her pay grade.

Looks like Colby doesn't like sloppy seconds. She turned him down fast. I don't blame her. The guy's desperate to hook up with a meal ticket. Damn dude, desperate much?

Waiting them out, as Colby leaves Ash in the cold, I take the long way around the fire. Casually, I stroll down the dark trail. It gets pretty fucking dark out here. Wow, I didn't expect that. When the trail splits, I stop and have to think back. I don't know which way to get to the house. Oh well, it's not like there's a maniac loose on the island or something. Taking the left path, I continue on.

I've gotten so much dirt on the Bradford's in a very short time. I don't think dear ol' daddy, Blake, is going to be too happy when he finds out what his little innocent baby girl, Hunter, has been doing on his island. I want to see his face when that video hits the internet. He's going to kill Wyatt.

That reminds me... pulling out my phone I pull up the video and watch it again. Gotta say, that girl has a nice package. Clicking the submit button, I grin to myself, knowing Hunter Bradford is going to be in the spotlight when we get home. Every news outlet is going to be banging on Blake's door talking about this one. Life's about to get very entertaining.

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