Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


Despite the crazy wind howling through the house I slept. A dreamless, heavy sleep. I think it was more to do with being safe in Wyatt's arms all night than being tired. I didn't want to move for fear he would let go of me. He didn't. If anything, his arms tightened around me several times to keep me in place.

I don't think I could have woken up more relaxed, more happy, than I was waking up this morning still wrapped in his arms. He never let me go. That's a first for me.

The room is still dark and I can hear Sawyer and Landon sawing logs. Those two snore the loudest of all the guys. Lifting my head slightly to look around, I see Aiden is still curled around Riley. She's buried under the blanket, her head on his chest and it looks like Aiden fell asleep running his fingers through her hair. His hand is holding her head and his fingers are still threaded through her hair.

It's nice to know they've made it through this last year. I know it was hard on both of them with everything that was thrown at them. Riley is still a bit shaky, but I think Aiden will be able to smooth that out soon enough. I'm happy for them. Aiden deserves some happy in his life.

I try to carefully push myself up a little higher to see if anyone else is awake yet, but Wyatt tightens his arms around me. Keeping me from pulling away. He has really gotten stronger since he started working out with Aiden. Those are some really defined muscles I'm laying against.

"Come back here, babe. It's too early." Wyatt mumbles, dragging me back down to his chest. "Better."

Definitely better.

"I was seeing if anyone was awake yet." I whisper as Wyatt maneuvers me into the position he wants.

He squints his eyes open and looks around. Shaking his head, he settles back down. "Still dark. No one is up."

"It's after eight, Wyatt. I don't usually sleep this late." I'm an early riser. I like to get up and get some yoga in first thing in the morning to start my day before the guy's hit the gym and take it over.

"We're on vacation, Hunter. Relax, no one is gonna be getting up anytime soon. Just stay put a little longer." His lips brush over my forehead and rests his chin against my head. "We can stay right here for as long as we want."

I love the innate way he does that. It's the little things that Wyatt does, like kiss my forehead, that makes my knees go weak. I don't know if he even realizes he does it or if he's just instinctively doing it. He did it on the plane ride and again several times throughout the night. I didn't want to move, for fear he would roll over and not hold me.

I hear someone roll over, another one grunts. I think Harper just smacked Sawyer when he rolled over. Colby let out a growl and I'm guessing she's getting squished by Sawyer.

"Move over, you big cow!" She grumbles, pushing at him.

Wyatt's body begins to shake as he quietly chuckles at them. Rolling to his side, he faces me and crushes me to his chest. Pulling my body flush against his, I immediately notice that even if he isn't completely awake yet, part of him has already risen with the sun. He pokes against my belly and I smile to myself knowing exactly what his current state is.

"I'm not getting up yet, Hunter. Neither are you. I'm not letting you go yet." Wyatt is determined to keep me right where I am.

I feel his palm slide down my back and slip under the thin material of my shirt. Those strong hands flatten against my bare skin and slowly run up to my shoulder blades, playing a moment with the clasp on my bra as if he's debating on unhooking it. He moves his hand further up then down to my hips bringing mine closer to his and pressing against my stomach very intimately.

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