Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


What the hell!

My head hurts. It's the first thought that hits me. There's a metallic taste in my mouth and something is dripping down my face. Groaning, I try to move but I can't. Struggling for a moment, I jerk my body suddenly feeling the zings of pain through my head, my neck. Pulling at my arms to stretch, it's no use, I can't move. I'm tied to a chair. I've gotten the shit kicked out of me. I swear if this is that asshole Bradford, and his crap again, I'm going to beat each one of them to a pulp.

It's not them. I know that. I remember the asshole who did this. I know that tattoo, I've seen it too many times to not know who he is and what he wants.This has nothing to do with the Bradford's. It's all me. I thought I had out maneuvered these pricks. Oops! Guess not.

Wherever I am it's dark and smells musty. Opening my eyes, I squint in the dark trying to get my bearings. There is one small ray of light under a door but that's it. Otherwise, it's pitch black. I'm not at the big house. I know that. This is dirty, grimy, a storeroom or shed maybe.

There's nothing familiar, no sounds, no voices, no birds, no water. I don't even know if I'm still on the island. How long have I been out? Shit, I could be anywhere.

"Hey!! Hey!! Get me out of here!!" Hollering at the top of my lungs, I can only hope someone is nearby to hear me.

Nothing. No one is going to help me.

Figures. Why would any of them look for me? Why would they miss me? Just like Dad, out of sight, out of mind. I might as well be invisible. If I want out of this, I'll have to do it myself. Nothing has changed there.

Sure Mom has always been there for me. But she doesn't like me fighting with Dad. And when push comes to shove, she backs the old man. Of course she does, he's beaten down her spirit enough she won't rock the boat. Ever. Even for me.

I can't win with them and I'm done trying. Dad has a new daughter who wants his attention, more she wants his money. And Sarah, my baby sister, is their little princess. Even she takes their side. Mom just accepts everything, like she doesn't care how he rubs his infidelity in her face. And there's been more than one. I know that.

Sarah ignores the tabloids and gossip. I'm glad she can. But she's innocent and doesn't want to see how much Dad hurts everyone around him. This latest news of a mystery kid is just one more straw. I'm not that forgiving.

I've seen the text messages from women on his phone, and yeah, I've snooped hoping I was wrong. I'm not. I've seen the letters that Dad has kept from Mom. I guess I should be glad he has enough respect for her to not have it all over the internet. But I've seen enough to know the truth. Mom isn't stupid. She has to know what he's done. I don't have any respect for a man who does that.

Another reason I don't like Bradford. He's just like his old man and grandfather. Womanizing asshole. He cheated on his ex how many times, and never batted an eye. Now we're supposed to believe he's this great guy! Everyone thinks he miraculously changed for Riley, bullshit.

Riley is a nice girl. Stupid, massively naive but nice. I just don't understand why she stayed with the prick and his family after daddy dearest kicked the bucket. I guess she just wants the money like the rest of them. She can't be that stupid to think Aiden will give up his whoring ways because he feels guilty over what his dad did. Give me a break.

People like that don't change. Once a cheater always a cheater.

But then I guess his Mom got sucked in by that lie too. Chloe is too good for that family. I've talked to her, I got to know her pretty well when I moved out to California. She didn't know who I was back then. Probably better that way too. I don't need that family knowing what happened between us. It wouldn't help her.

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