Chapter 32

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Thank you for reading. I hope you have enjoyed this book. Book 4 End Game will begin fall of 2023.

Chapter 32


Everyone has been operating on autopilot since that day of the trial. None of us thought Adam was capable of what he did. But then we didn't think that he would go after Grandma the way he did or that security would kill him in front of all of us.

Thank goodness Grandma wasn't killed too. She got caught in the line of fire, a mistake on her part. A flesh wound, the medic said. The bullet went in and out of her shoulder. It knocked her down but not out. It takes more than a bullet to stop Georgia Bradford.

Adam wasn't so lucky. He took a single shot to the chest, and died instantly. I have never liked my uncle but I didn't wish him dead. Aiden is in shock. He's operating as if everything is fine. It's not, things around here won't be the same again. I don't think it's hit him yet, but it will. It will all come crashing in on him eventually. I'm glad Riley is here for him. Our lives are quickly changing and nothing will be the same again.

Dinner at Point Conception is tradition before we go back to our lives. Everyone is here tonight, including the Tateman's, Segler's and Tuckers. The old butcher block table is extended as far as it will go, and we have pulled chairs from all over the house for everyone to sit at the family table. We are literally bursting at the seams.

That's what all of us are, family, no matter the name or blood that runs through our veins. Grandma believes in the family we choose, not the family we're stuck with. Sometimes those blood relatives are the absolute worst part of the family. Adam was a case in point.

Cade and Isabelle will be heading back to New York in the morning. They are taking Sawyer, Ash and the baby with them. Sawyer has his own condo waiting for him in the same building as Cade. He's going to be on his own for the first time in his life. It's a real turning point for Sawyer. I know uncle Lance and aunt Tess will miss him.

Ash and the baby are moving in with his mom temporarily. Callie will be a big help to him with learning how to take care of a baby but so many bodies under one roof gets crowded. I'm sure Ash will be out on his own sooner than later. He won't want to cramp his mom's new relationship with Derrick.

That relationship has been a long time coming. I'm so happy for Callie and Uncle Derrick. I've spent all my life watching those two dance around each other. They've loved each other all this time but didn't want to put Ash in the spotlight. Now he's there, whether he wants it or not. There's no more excuses for either of them to hold back.

"I like to make a toast!" Derrick stood up, his bottle of beer in his hand.

Everyone stopped eating their desserts and looked up at him. It's not like Derrick to stop eating a meal at this table.

"I want to say thank you to everyone, for welcoming Callie and Ash to the family. I know that you guys have always treated them as family but it's official now." Raising his bottle, Derrick nervously finishes his toast. "And by official, I mean, Ash and the baby but also..."

Derrick walks around the table and drops to his knees next to Callie. "I'm really hoping that this means you're out of excuses and you'll marry me now."

"Ohhh!" Mom covers her mouth and her eyes tear up.

"Derrick? When did you...?" Callie obviously doesn't know how this family works.

"Ma gave me her mother's ring for you. It suits you best she said. If you want something else we can do that."

"No!" Callie blurted out, then realized her mistake. "I mean yes, I'll marry you. And no, I don't want anything else. Thank you." Looking across the table where Grandma and Jim are sitting with big grins on their faces. "Thank you so much."

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