Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


Well, this is about to get really ugly, really fast. Roan is furious with Reese. I don't completely blame him. If I ever thought my dad cheated on Mom, I'd be pretty angry about it too. But I'd like to think I would at least hear him out before I jumped to conclusions about it.

Roan isn't that sensible.

With a lot of issues needing to be addressed in a short amount of time, so we can get back home, we have to work together. Dad broke us up into groups to get things done faster. Sending Emery, Riley and Colby with Mom and Chelsea, they began packing up the kitchen. We've got enough food for two weeks and we won't be here to eat it. Not willing to waste it, we're taking it all with us.

Sawyer and the boys went with Matt to get ice chests and lug everything back to the plane. With the pack mules working, Reese and Roan took their argument outside. Not that they wanted privacy, I don't think that is possible but because they were getting so loud, no one else could think.

This left Wyatt and I alone with Dad and Dillon. Looking at their faces, I knew instantly why we were with them. I knew they had seen the video before they said a word. And poor Wyatt is wiggling nervously in his seat, preparing for the lecture coming our way.

It wasn't really necessary. It's not like Wyatt or I didn't already know we messed up. We should have considered that Roan would want payback for getting tied up. We just opened the door for him and gave him the opportunity to put us in our place. That was our fault and we won't be making it again.

Sitting down at the dining room table with them, Wyatt and I on one side with Dillon and Dad on the other, we wait for them to rip into us. Sitting in silence I notice something about the room: I don't remember the family using it. We rarely use this room. It's formal and stuffy and not like any of us. But for whatever reason, it's the room Dad chose to do this.

Looking at the man I've looked up to my entire life, it doesn't go unnoticed that he won't look me in the eye. Instead, he opens the laptop in front of him, pushes a couple keys and turns the screen around for us to see. Taking one look at the screen I swallow hard, seeing myself and Wyatt ripping our clothes off.

The sudden intake of breath is an automatic response seeing myself naked on the screen with Wyatt ravaging me. Oh God! My father has seen this. No wonder he won't look at me. I can't look at him. Covering my face, I can't watch it for another second. It's sick that Roan did this to us. It's wrong, very wrong.

Wyatt curses under his breath, putting his hand on my back and rubs slow, steady circles to soothe my nerves. His first instinct is to take care of me. That is part of why I feel the way I do about him. He's selfless. He's more concerned about how this affects me than what Dad is going to do to him.

Hearing our moans of pleasure, seeing the way we lost complete control, God, I can't watch this. Closing my eyes and covering my ears I wish for it just to stop. Not able to watch it either, Wyatt closes the laptop and rests his forehead against my temple. Quietly, he apologizes for what's happened.

"I'm sorry, Hunter. I'm so sorry." Wyatt whispers so only I can hear.

It's not his fault. I don't blame him. I don't blame myself. We were alone in a room where we thought we had privacy. In no way did we think we were being videotaped. My family were the only other people around us. It didn't even occur to me that Roan was lurking around, waiting to expose us this way.

Shaking my head, refusing his apology, my eyes burn when I look up at my dad. I've never felt like he was ashamed of me until now. I've never felt this pang of guilt and fear that I won't be forgiven until this moment. He's so angry.

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