Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


It was a long trip home. None of us wanted to go back to the house. We wanted to see Grandma. Blake held his ground against us and in the end won out. Telling us she was probably asleep and needs her rest. Then reminding us that Grandma doesn't like to be woken up.

We've all made that mistake once. Once is enough to know not to do it again.

We went back to Point Conception. The rest of the family who have already arrived are there. The others will be coming shortly. Grace let us in while Mom made coffee for "the talk" that they'll be having without us. I'd like to be in on that conversation but Blake was adamant that this was for them to deal with, not us. In other words, the parental control has kicked in and we're just kids.

We unloaded the cars, greeted parents, aunts and uncles, Grandpa Jim, Granddad Alan and Grandma Viv. None of them are doing well. Seeing the stress on their faces, the way this whole situation has aged them is frightening. I've never thought about any of them as old. I've never considered that there was anything they couldn't handle. As far as I was concerned they were indestructible.

Boy, was I wrong.

There's a lot of strain and pressure on each of their faces. The people I've thought of as immortal look tired and drained. Seeing the way Mom keeps her distance from everyone, and the drastic difference between her and Viv. Mom won't even look at me or Riley. While Viv brings us into her arms for a welcoming hug. Giving herself a moment to make sure each one of us are okay and safe in her home.

The difference in their greeting is like night and day. And that worries me. I know Mom was helping Dad before everything came out. I know she's afraid of him and everything she'll lose because of him. So I'm afraid she's done something foolish to save herself.

We get drinks and Emma pulls out cheese, crackers and salami, fresh fruit and vegetables fill another tray while Viv dishes out the contents of the slow cooker. My stomach growls, smelling the spices and meat, reminding me I haven't eaten in hours.

We ate, talked quietly then were discreetly told to go to bed. I understand they are trying to protect us. But I'm not a child anymore, none of us are. It's time we were treated like the adults we are. I'm the only one willing to buck their idea. Sawyer and Hunter dutifully hurded the others down to the basement, while I stood in the doorway determined to hear their plan.

"How are they, Blake? I'm not blind I saw the fear on Colby's face, the guilt on Riley's. Adam has certainly made a mess of things." No one can say Vivian is slow. She got the information she needed just by looking at us. "And Aiden? He's so angry with Adam and just wants to make everything right again. The poor boy doesn't know how to fix this."

"They're holding up, Viv. They're tired and yeah, scared." Blake rubs his eyes, fatigued himself from everything that's happened.

Emma rubs his back, supporting her husband. "I don't blame them for being scared. If it had been me on the island finding some stranger in the house. I would have flipped out too."

"You'd have kicked his ass first then freaked out. I know how my baby girl handles things ." Vivian winks at her daughter.

She's not wrong. Emma would have fought for herself and the others before she would have lost it. Just like Hunter. She's exactly like her mom. And very opposite Colby. Colby is Chelsea's mini me. And I think that is why she was singled out. She's the one out of all of us who was the least likely to fight back.

And that son of a bitch knew it!

"We won't let Adam get away with what he's done." Blake's voice is cold and detached.

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