Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


We stayed one more night. Giving Mom and Dad, and the others a chance to relax before we head home. Blake and Dad went out with Aiden and Sawyer to search the island again. They're worried about how easy it was for someone to get onto the island.

I don't blame them. It was too simple.

Once they were back, we fixed dinner and got caught up on everything that is happening back home. Cade and Isabelle are staying at Point Conception with Grandma. Ash's mom flew in yesterday. Derrick was supposed to pick her up at the airport. Mom said he's hoping to convince Callie to stay.

I don't think she will. I like Callie. She's always been so nice to us. And she's been a saving grace for Cade. He said she's the best hire he's ever had. She's been with him for about twenty three years now. I can't imagine having the same job that long, but Cade has made sure she has every perk he can give her. Including stock in Bradford Drake. He's made her financial worries disappear for good.

She's very lucky to have such a great boss. I'm not being biased either. She's paid well into the six digit range and has her condo paid for by Bradford Drake. Cade paid for Ash's college and housing, she has a pension coming when she retires, six weeks of vacation time. She has the luxury of working from home or from anywhere when she needs to. And she travels all over with Cade.

Some would accuse her of sleeping with Cade to get all that. It's not the case. Most often Isabelle travels with them and she's gotten to be really good friends with Callie. No one, especially Isabelle, is afraid of Cade cheating. It's just not possible. He is completely in love with his wife. Just like Mom and Dad.

After a really awesome meal, thanks to Emma, we all crashed in the basement game room together again. Our parents took the bedrooms, as did Reese and Dillon when they finally came in from quite the long talk with Roan. None of them said much at dinner and Roan went straight upstairs instead of coming to dinner. He was there when we went to bed. I don't think things went well with his dad.

I feel bad for him.

Roan really isn't a bad person. He does stupid stuff when he gets upset. He lashes out at anyone close when he's hurting. He just needs someone who understands him and can help him deal with all those pent up feelings he doesn't know what to do with. That's why I've tried to reach out to him.

Extending the olive branch, so to speak. I wasn't given much of a chance tonight. And I doubt I'll get too much time on the way home. I assume his dad and Dillon will be sticking close to him. So I went to bed and figured I'd try again in the morning. Curling up on my air mattress, I laid in the dark listening to the quiet around me.

There were occasional whispers from Aiden and Riley, Wyatt and Hunter. Each couple seems to be getting through their tough situation with minimal problems. I know Blake was really upset with Hunter and Wyatt, but I think they talked it out. And Wyatt is still breathing, so Blake didn't kill him for having sex with his little girl. That's a good sign.

Minus the sex tape, things are on pretty good ground. That issue isn't going away any time soon. Dad is a wiz at getting stuff like that scrubbed off the internet but I don't know if it was caught in time. There's plenty of people out there who would love to take down a Bradford or Segler. With that tape, they could take out both at once.

Being a celebrity can really suck.

There's just too many jealous and mean people out there who are just waiting to see us screw up. As soon as we make a mistake they pounce on us. Ready to tear us down for just being human. Anything that will humiliate or belittle us because we aren't perfect. That's why I stay to myself and I don't make friends outside of my family. I don't want that kind of scrutiny.

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