Chapter 30

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Chapter 30


For the first three days of the trial, we were stuck at Point Conception. Three days no one spoke about what was happening in the courtroom. Three days they avoided talking to us about what was important and a matter of life and death. It was driving me crazy.

Add in I still haven't gotten an answer from Riley about marrying me, I'm wondering if I was wrong about where we were heading. I thought she loved me, I thought this was what she wanted. I guess it was just me.

Bullshit! She loves me, she's just scared. I'm not worthy of the name Bradford if I can't get her to admit that.

Grandma and Blake have blocked all news channels, sports channels and all social media platforms. We can't access any news from anywhere. Nothing like being treated like I'm thirteen again and searching on the school computer for '' It's not like I was doing anything wrong! I was curious! The principal, however, wasn't amused.

"This isn't the place for a young boy to be looking at those kinds of things." She prudishly informed Grandma.

"This is a school, correct? A place where children are to learn and grow? Where else should a child learn about sex and how things work, if not a place for education?" Grandma questioned her, obviously Grandma was not a fan of the principal.

"We don't teach those subjects here. If he's curious perhaps his father should play a bigger role in his life and answer those questions for him." She had a point, but I wasn't going to agree with her. The last thing I wanted was to talk to the old man about sex.

That's when Blake and Emma took me on a full time basis. Grandma tried to get Dad to be a real father but the business was his priority. He refused her and me without any thought of what it did to me. So Grandma turned to Blake and Emma. They never let me down.

Blake and Emma agreed to keep me at their house. It changed the school I was attending which thrilled Grandma. When it happened again, I got detention for a week and Blake decided that it was time to have 'the talk'. I was never so embarrassed in my life as I was when Blake tried to teach me about sex. I will ever live down that moment.

It wasn't all bad I guess. In the principal's office, Blake couldn't get a word out from laughing so hard and Emma was more embarrassed than mad. The school had to get a better firewall, since I 'broke' the one they had. And I learned that if I was curious about something, not to look it up at school.

All in all, I turned out okay. I got good grades, I figured out sex, and now I want to take the next step with Riley. As soon as this trial is over, I'm trying again. I won't give up on her.

We arrived with Blake at the courthouse this morning with reporters and cameras greeting us. They surrounded us the moment we were out of the car. There was no escaping or avoiding this moment.

"Is it true you're going against your father's wishes and refusing to save Bradford Drake from bankruptcy?"

"Aiden, are you testifying against your father to get revenge?"

"Riley, how does it feel being the reason for the Bradford's financial troubles?"

"Riley, Adam has already killed your father, do you think you're next?"

"Enough!" Keeping a firm hold on Riley's hand, I turn on the press. "I've listened to your rude questions for years! Why don't you take responsibility for your actions?! Riley isn't responsible for anything that my father has done or what my family is dealing with. She's the woman I plan on marrying. And I won't tolerate you treating her with so little respect!"

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