Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


The weather matches how I feel today. The dark, dreary clouds, heavy with rain, hang over the ocean. The wind is cold with the storm coming in from the water. Looking out from the balcony off the second floor deck, I stare out at sea and watch the lightning show illuminate the clouds.

I've always loved this view from Point Conception. The perfect unobstructed view of the sea, to watch the seals lay out on the bouys in the heat of summer, or get drawn in by its wild waves during storms like this. From the time I was ten, I would sit here for hours watching a storm brew. Maddie used to watch them with me.

I guess it's appropriate that this storm decided to hit land today. It's as dramatic and unpredictable as Maddie was. As stunning and beautiful as she looked. And as deadly and terrifying as her temper. God, I'm gonna miss her!

We were two peas in a pod growing up. Maddie and I would run wild along that beach below. We begged and begged Blake to teach us how to boogie board one summer then, years later, we did the same thing again to learn how to surf. Maddie was part fish, I swear, she could swim through any wave, no matter how big, and when she got the chance once to swim with a dolphin, she was in heaven.

Maybe that's what she's doing today, swimming with the dolphins. She would have loved that. I don't know how to move on without her. She was the big sister I didn't have. We were the ones who taught the others all the tricks of the house, how to snag a cookie from Grandma's secret stash, how to get Grandpa Alan to take us out on the boat, and how to sneak into the house after curfew.

Maybe I shouldn't have taught Maddie that one. Maybe it would have made a difference but I doubt it. Maddie always had a wild hair up her ass. Even Grandma said she was wilder at times than Blake was. Cade certainly had his share of problems and worries with her. But down to the bone, and into her soul, she loved her family with all her heart.

Pulling the chain over my head, I looked down at the charm I've worn close to my heart since I was ten. I promised Maddie I would only take it off when she was no longer in my life. I swore to her that she would always be here next to my heart. No matter where she went, no matter how far she traveled, she would always be here with me.

"I don't want to say goodbye to you today. You knew I would outlive you and you made me promise something that I can't give you! I don't know how to let go of you, Mads. Why the fuck did you have to die on me?" Swiping at my hot tears, I hold back the pent up emotions that have been building since the island. "I love you, Madeline May Drake. I'm going to miss you so damn much."

My fist squeezed tight around the cold metal in my hand. She gave it to me a lifetime ago. Maddie knew even at the young age of twelve that I would outlive her. I remember the day she gave me the necklace and exactly what she made me promise her.

"You have to promise, Aiden. When I die, you have to promise to let me go to the sea. Let me go, so you can move on. Promise me, Aiden, promise you won't let Mommy and Daddy stay in the past with me. You know they will. You have to pinky swear! You have to do this!"

"Why? I don't want you to die! You can't do that to them! You can't leave us behind!" I remember how hard it was to understand why she would ever think of dying and leaving us.

"There's no reason why, Aiden. People die all the time. When it's time you just die. Promise me you'll take care of the family. It'll be up to you and Bri you're the oldest the others will turn to you. Promise me, Aiden, I need your word." Sticking her pinky out she waited for me to give in. Knowing she won't stop pestering me and get back to the game I didn't have a choice but to agree.

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