Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


I have stayed over at the Bradford estate plenty of times. I've never felt awkward or uncomfortable here. In fact, I'm very much at home here. Georgia made sure of that from the beginning. She made sure all of us, Sarah, Roan, Nate's son, Devin, and my sister, Cassidy,  all felt like family. This morning, I've never been more uncomfortable and nervous in my life.

On the way home, I knew that Blake was watching every move I made. I couldn't even hold Hunter's hand without getting the evil eye. And never mind kissing her or holding her. I wouldn't have been surprised if Blake had wanted to throw me off the plane in mid flight if I tried. I didn't want to tempt him, so I kept my hands and mouth to myself.

Hunter, however, had other plans. She snuggled up with her head on my shoulder, curled against my side and napped on the flight. She kissed me when we landed and wouldn't let go of my hand. I didn't mind but I felt Blake's eyes burning into me and it made me very aware that she is his little girl and he won't be letting her grow up too quickly.

Unfortunately that video says she has already grown up. I know firsthand how much.

I tried my damnedest to understand his point of view. And it still felt wrong. I'm not sorry about what happened between us and if I could, I'd do it again but minus the video and my cousin. I didn't want to share my intimate time alone with her, and I am not happy with him for exploiting us. That in no way means that I don't have plans for Hunter and I to do it again. I plan on us being together for the long haul, just with a lot more privacy and as Dad said, making sure we're alone next time.

Dad understood the situation. More importantly, he is happy for us. So is Mom. They know I've had feelings for Hunter for years. Finally acting on those feelings wasn't just a whim for me but an intentional and sincere attempt to get what I want most. Her. Hunter Bradford, the woman who stole my heart.

If only Blake could understand that.

I guess that's my fault too. I haven't exactly been open about how I feel about her. And I've avoided talking to her dad about it at all costs. I like Blake, he's a great guy and an awesome dad, not just to Hunter but Aiden. He stepped up when Adam failed. That says a lot about him.

And by not telling either of them how I feel, it's made this situation complicated and unclear. I haven't even talked to Hunter about our future. And that is my fault too. I was hoping to have more time to establish a spot in her life but it's too late now. Being back on the mainland and thrust into reality, my time is up.

Last night was not the time to talk to Hunter about it. There was no opportunity to talk to her. The adults had their own meeting they wanted to have without us. Although Aiden somehow managed an invite. But Hunter and I, we were stuck downstairs with everyone else and no privacy for a serious conversation. I wasn't sure what I wanted to say anyway but from the look of things this morning, I better figure it out fast.

We took over the lower level of the house last night. Not that we haven't done that before. It's the same thing we've done every time I've been here. Except Roan snuck out and didn't come back. I knew he was getting into more trouble so I talked to Reese about it. I may not like Roan much lately but he's still family and I don't want him in trouble.

By the time I found Reese, he was trying to find his son too. I really didn't tell him anything he didn't already know so when he went after Roan, I was relieved that I didn't have to deal with their drama anymore. I know they have problems but they aren't mine. I've got enough on my plate to contend with.

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