Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


"I promise, Isabelle, everything is under control." Looking out the window, I watch the familiar scenery go by. Having just gotten off the private jet, my first call is to my friend. She's devastated by everything that has happened recently. Georgia being hospitalized only weighs the heavy load.

It's been years since we lived here. I used to love this place. The warm sand under my feet when I would take my long walks along the beach. Watching Ash play football with his friends as he grew into such a terrific young man. My little house here wasn't in the fancy neighborhood like I'm in now. I had watched every penny to make sure we made ends meet. That's another big plus when we left for New York.

It was a difficult time for me as a single parent but one I remember fondly.

"Grace and Jake said that Georgia was doing fine. Yes, her blood pressure is still a little high. But you know Georgia, nothing keeps her down long. I'm sure they're doing everything they can for her." After assuring Isabelle that she can stay at the house for now, I think back about my life here.

It's quite a different road I'm on now compared to the one I started when I met this family. I was on my own and despite the struggles I had I was determined to do it on my own. I never thought I would end up working for one of the biggest construction engineering companies in the country.

And not once did I look back at those first years and feel I made a mistake. Cade and Georgia took me under their wing and treated both me and Ash as family. That meant so much to me. It was a little overwhelming at times and very busy but it was just what we needed.

This family is such a close knit bunch. I always wondered how they managed to get along so well. Now I know that isn't the case.

Adam changed everything for them.

I remember when I met him years ago, I was always so uncomfortable around Adam. He made a couple passes at me when Derrick would invite me to join the family for events. He and Georgia always made a point to include us from my first meeting with Derrick at one of Blake's football camps. Ash loved going to them.

I was always anxious about going to the big mansion at Point Conception. Just the size of the estate intimidated me. Not that the family wasn't welcoming and pleasant, they were and still are. It was after Adam cornered me a couple of times when I was left alone at the house that made me decide I didn't want to be there. I never told anyone about it because I didn't want to cause any problems for Chloe.

It wasn't her fault that her husband was a snake in the grass.

Not that I was friendly with her. Chloe was always very withdrawn and cold compared to the rest of the family. I think Chloe saw him hitting on me the first time he cornered me and it upset her. I don't blame her for getting upset. But I have always believed she knows exactly who Adam is and all the ugly things he has done. I never understood how she tolerated his behavior. I wouldn't have stood for it. I guess we're just made from different molds.

At least I know I'm very different from Adam. And I tried to be polite, even cordial with him, but I have my limitations and Adam pushed those as far as he could.

When I was at the mansion that last time before the big move, Adam cornered me in the library. It startled me that he tried the things he did, knowing that Derrick had feelings for me. And honestly, I wasn't completely sure what he was going to do to me. He was drunk and angry because of Blake interfering with the business and ruining a deal he was working on.

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