Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

What the hell is she doing down here this time of night? This is no place for my mom to be wandering around alone. Doesn't she know better than this? How many times did she chew me out for going into places like this alone? How many times was I grounded because I lied about my whereabouts? Has she lost her mind?

Dragging mom out of the alleyway and toward the people who are laughing and having a good old time, the smell of fry bread and waffle cones float through the air, teasing my senses. My stomach growls loudly. I haven't eaten since breakfast. Haven't really felt much like food after all that's happened. I have a lot of more important things on my mind.

"Let go of my arm, Roan. I want to know what you are doing out here this late." Mom pushes my hand off her arm as we walk out into the bright lights of the pier.

"Me? I'm not the one who's sneaking around in the shadows of an alleyway. Don't you know there's areas down here that a single woman shouldn't be? Shouldn't you be in bed? You're old, you need your rest." The smack on the back of my head told me I probably shouldn't have said that.

"Watch it, kid. I'm not so old I can take you on and win. And you aren't so old I can't ground you. Now how about an answer? What are you doing out here?" Hands on her hips, she challenges me to lie to her again. I know that look. She's expecting me to lie about why I'm here. I hate to disappoint her, so I'll just give her what she expects and keep her out of the line of fire from the goon who decided to track me here.

I think that's going to be easier said than done with her. She's a human lie detector, I swear.

Mom isn't kidding about being able to take me on either. She's got more fight in her than plenty of girls my age. I should know, she's wrestled me and won plenty. Even if I fight back as hard as I can, she can and will kick my ass. Not that I've ever put every effort into a wrestling match with her. I'd never hurt her. She's all I have. Her and Sarah, they are my heart. I'll protect them from anyone who might hurt them. Including him.

My mom is the best. She's taken care of Sarah and me, even after everything that Dad has put her through, she's been out rock. He doesn't deserve her. Doesn't even come close.  I guess I don't deserve her either. I've put her through plenty of long nights worrying about me, while I was doing stupid stuff that I knew was wrong. She never failed me though. Whenever I needed her, she was always there.

Looks like she still is.

The last thing I want to do is drag her into my mess. I want to keep her as far from this as possible. There's no way I want to put a target on her back for Adam to aim at, just to "motivate" me to do his bidding. I don't trust him. I agree with Wyatt there. Adam is a sick fucker and will destroy anyone, including his family, to get what he wants. He wouldn't think twice about hurting one of mine. 

"Roan! Roan!" Mom stops walking, and grabs my hand. She's not going to drop this. "Roan, I want an answer right now. What have you gotten into?"

"I'd like to get that answer too." Dad strolls up, hands shoved in his pockets, as Mom turns, looking up at him as if he's her long lost love.

Give me a break!

"Reese, what are you doing here? I thought we agreed I was going to handle this." The determined look in her eyes said she wanted to take charge with my screw up. Once again, he does as he pleases and disregards what she wants.

"You agreed, I didn't. It's time Roan and I got some things straightened out." He glances at me like he has any say in what I do.

"I don't think this is the best time for that." Looking around at the crowd she must see something I don't. "Reese, we need to do this in private."

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