Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


I had to try to be in two places at once. The kids need me, so a phone call to Ma is the best I can do at 10,000 feet cruising altitude over the ocean. She is no happier about this situation than I am. Unfortunately, I know this hurts her a lot more than it does me. If I could do this without involving Ma, I would.

Adam has made sure that isn't possible.

"He isn't going to be released, Blake. I've verified that." Ma was raging mad when I called her thirty minutes ago with the latest information from Aiden and Adam's little message to us.

"We can't let anyone get into him either. Ma, he's got someone on the outside working for him. He was able to get him onto the island and hurt Colby and Roan. We need to keep Adam in solitary until I get back." Then my brother is going to get a visit from me, Matt and Reese. He's fucked up big time.

"Lance is working on it, sugar. You just get all my little chicks back to my nest. I can't believe that boy did this. Especially after losing Maddie. I swear he was born without common sense!" More like without a heart but I won't tell Ma that.

"Among other things." I muttered but tried to keep it to myself.

"How is Riley taking all this? If I know that child, she's already told Aiden that she'll walk away from him if it means no one else gets hurt." Ma nailed it on the head.

That was the phone call right before this one. Aiden was flipping out because Riley suggested that he let her go to Arizona alone and not follow her. Exactly as Ma said, she would sacrifice her own happiness for Aiden's safety. The kid just can't seem to catch a break. Knowing that none of this was necessary, that it's all because of Adam's greed, burns my ass.

Aiden and Riley won't suffer for Adam's greed! I'll make sure of it.

It took Aiden putting Riley on the phone with me, Emma, and Chelsea to get her to agree to not do anything drastic. Even with her word, I'm not a hundred percent certain she's not going to go. She's thinking of Aiden and protecting him. I understand that, I can understand why she is willing to do it. She loves Aiden and wants him happy and unharmed. If that means she lets him go, she would do it.

And he'll chase her to the end of the earth to make sure he doesn't lose her. In the end, I told Riley if she tried it, Aiden would only follow her and possibly put both of them in more danger. I think that's what swayed her. Knowing Adam won't hesitate hurting her or Aiden to get what he wants, she just might do as I say.

"I think we nipped that in the butt. Aiden wouldn't let her even think about it. He loves her, Ma. I think he's going to ask her to marry him soon. I just hope she's not stubborn about it because of Adam's threat. I don't think Aiden can handle another heartbreak right now." And I understand exactly how he feels. If I had to deal with losing Maddie and Emma, I don't think even Grace could have helped me.

"He's not going to lose her. I'm taking care of that. Riley is scared and she is likely to get a bug up her butt. You have to make sure you bring her to me first thing, sugar. I won't let Adam hurt that sweet girl anymore than he has." Ma feels guilty about what happened. We all do. Adam didn't just hurt Riley he alienated his family.

"I'll make sure she gets to you. Why don't you just let me deal with this? Ma, you have enough on your plate. Let Matt, Lance, and I deal with Adam." It's the same plea I made before I left. I'm figuring I'll get the same response but I might convince her yet. "Cade and Isabelle need you. So does Viv. Ma, they can't handle everything that needs to be done for Maddie and Dalton without a clear head to help with the decisions."

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