Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


We continued the search for Roan. Even with the knowledge that my father's yacht was here. I wasn't convinced he would have hurt Colby. She's his family. It doesn't make sense. My dad's a dick but why would he hurt her?

Why did he kill Riley's dad? I can't disregard that he is a killer now. It doesn't make sense to me. Dad was a businessman, he didn't like Riley with me because of a business deal. This was random. Colby isn't involved with any of the Bradford Drake business.

The attack on Colby burned my ass, I pushed through the red haze of anger and kept my head. It was Dad's yacht, the man works for Dad. I know that I recognized him. He's connected, I know that. That son of a bitch hurt his own niece. How cruel and deranged is he?

Sending another message to Blake with what I've managed to put together, and the little I know, I can't do much else. I included the picture Riley drew and hope one of the others recognize him too. I'm at a loss of how any of this connects to Colby. She's innocent.

Matt and Chelsea aren't involved in Bradford Drake. They manage the Sports end of a completely different company. Colby isn't interested in getting into the business, she's got her own future ahead of her. Sports medicine just like Tyler and Jake were. Nothing to do with the business.

And Roan is missing. He's an asshole to avoid us this way. We don't have time to waste on searching for him just because he doesn't want to be here. We didn't invite him. We have nothing to do with his problems with his dad. And with this latest issue, I can't help but wonder if he got hurt too.

He's not connected to dad, is he?

It's a question I won't find answers for here. We need to get home, back to the safety of Point Conception and the family. We need Blake and Cade to help us. Cade isn't going to be much good right now. His mind is elsewhere. I understand. We're all thinking about Maddie and the baby.

The last text I got from Grace was that the baby was holding his own. Isabelle hasn't left the NICU. They were nice enough to bring a bed down for her. Cade has been dealing with Maddie's service arrangements with Grandma and Viv. Both of them are struggling to come to terms with it too.

I guess being here and so far away from the situation, it hasn't really hit me yet that Maddie is gone. It's just not real. I'll deal with it when we get home. I have more pressing issues at the moment.

Ash, Harper, Sawyer, and I are back out wandering the island. Roan has been missing for over twenty four hours now. Blake and the Segler's are on their way to get us, and our summer trip is almost to an end. The shit has certainly hit the fan this time.

After we saw the yacht, I called Blake and Matt. Giving them all the information we have and sending them the photo Riley sketched of Colby's attacker, we can only search for Roan and get packed up to go home.

They are looking into the yacht. Blake said this morning it's missing from the dock in New York where it was supposed to be docked. They're trying to find out when it left and if anyone has any information on it. Right now we have nothing.

Thinking over the past few days from the trouble on the plane with Roan to Colby getting hurt, I can honestly say this is the worst bad luck we've had in a long time. And it all hits at once. Why? Maddie's death, Roan's shit, Colby's attack. What's the common denominator?

"Ash, what were going to say in the car yesterday? You said something about screwing up with Maddie. What'd you mean?" Sawyer remembered the conversation from yesterday I had forgotten about. I honestly hadn't given it a second thought.

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